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Equipment evaluation for oxygen enrichment revamps


Oxygen enrichment can provide a cost effective means to increase the capacity of existing sulphur plants. Mahin Rameshni, Chief Process Engineer at Parsons Energy & Chemicals Group, presents the process design issues to be addressed when revamping sulphur recovery facilities for oxygen enrichment. All equipment within the Claus unit, tail gas unit and sulphur handling facilities are evaluated.


With the sulphur content of crude oil and natural gas on the increase and with evertightening sulphur content in fuels, refiners and gas processors will require additional sulphur recovery capacity. In many cases oxygen enrichment is a cost effective process to provide this additional capacity increase.

Various configurations and levels of oxygen enrichment are used depending on existing sulphur plant configurations, sulphur processing capacity expansion requirements, plot space available and concentration levels of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in the acid gas feeds.

When evaluating the impact of introducing oxygen enrichment to an air-only sulphur recovery unit the designer should keep in mind three fundamental differences:

  1. The concentration or partial pressure of all non-nitrogen compounds is higher. All process equipment operates at higher temperatures and releases more heat in the SRU unit.
  2. As a result of the higher partial pressure and increased heat release, most of the chemical reaction will shift at equilibrium condition.
  3. The major process equipment should be assessed to determine whether modification or replacement is necessary.


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Sulphuric acid plant revamping


Kvaerner Chemetics outlines several sulphuric acid plant revamping projects, which demonstrate the advantages of completing major plant modifications in a short shutdown time. Monsanto Enviro-Chem Systems reports on the challenges and success of Simplot's Don plant revamp in the USA and MDEEL describes the acid plant revamp carried out at Coromandel Fertilisers in India.


As ageing equipment in a sulphuric acid plant reaches the end of its useful life, it presents the operator with an opportunity, not only to upgrade the plant in terms of newer technology to improve reliability, operability and reduce maintenance, but also to explore opportunities to increase plant capacity by debottlenecking undersized equipment to relieve pressure drop and to provide additional heat transfer surface or volumetric capacity.

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Sulphur markets summit in Vienna


Late October's Sulphur 2002 conference in Vienna promised a wide-ranging discussion, led by global and national experts, of the prospects for trade involving sulphur in all forms. It delivered handsomely.


The plan to pack presentations from industry leaders and experts invited from five continents into the first day of proceedings in Vienna was undoubtedly ambitious. Thanks to the insight and expertise of speakers armed with several lifetimes of expertise and more data than seems possible in retrospect, the 2002 event established the Sulphur conferences as the global forum for market issues.

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