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Ammonium sulphate – a low-carbon sustainable pathfinder?


Emerging evidence suggests that by-products used as fertilizers, particularly ammonium sulphate, may emerge as winners from the EU's implementation of the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM). In this article, Franck Boher of Upgraid investigates whether by-products can help reshape sustainable fertilizer production in Europe.


Recent events suggest that many fertilizer producers in Europe are struggling to maintain a delicate balancing act between EU sustainability requirements and the imperatives of worldwide competitiveness. Over the last 12 months alone, Yara’s Montoire and Timac Agro’s Tonnay NPK plants have closed in France, for example. Keywords: Sustainability, carbon border adjustment mechanism, CBAM, Decarbonisation, Carbon, Tax, Ammonium sulphate, AS, Production, Trade, EU, Upgraid

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Dry bulk market expected to cool


The dry bulk market is forecast to cool, after a year of high freight rates driven by demand shocks. Should ships return to the Red Sea during 2025, then the market will weaken even more. This development, explains BIMCO shipping analyst Filipe Gouveia, would particularly affect the supramax and handysize vessels typically used in fertilizer shipping.


During the first three quarters of 2024, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) was 58% higher on average than during the same period in 2023 (Figure 1). This freight rate increase was supported by a tighter ship supply/demand balance, particularly in capesize, the fleet segment with the largest vessels. We estimate that overall ship demand will grow by 5-6% in 2024, outpacing supply growth of 2.5-3.5% (Figure 2). Keywords: Dry bulk, Freight, Rates, Outlook, Shipping, Ships, Fertilizers, Baltic dry index, BDI, Panama canal, Red sea, Supply, Demand, Cargo, Fleet, Distance, Grains, Coal, China, Policy, BIMCO

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Sulphur – inventory, availability and pricing


Significant changes to the level and location of sulphur inventory over the last two years have caused swings in short-term supply availability. Inventory plays a necessary role in balancing the sulphur market but exactly when, where, how, and why inventory enters the market can trigger a diverse range of price responses. In this insight article, CRU's Peter Harrisson looks at how inventory change influences sulphur availability and pricing.


The sulphur market is in a constant state of structural imbalance as supply and demand movements are driven by different economic drivers. This creates a frequent flip-flop between surplus and deficit, with inventory being necessary to manage this volatility in availability. Keywords: Sulphur, Inventory, Price, Pricing, Supply, Demand, Saudi Arabia, Canada, China, Kazakhstan, Surplus, Deficit, Stocks

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Polyhalite – what next?


We look at the future of polyhalite mining and its use as a fertilizer following Anglo American's announcement that investment in its UK-Based Woodsmith mine will fall to zero in 2026 under current plans.


Earlier this year, mining giant Anglo American announced it was cutting investment in its Woodsmith polyhalite mine in the UK, with this declining to $200 million next year and then to zero in 2026 as it deleverages and looks for an investor/strategic partner to take an ownership stake. Keywords: Polyhalite, Projects, Producers, Anglo American, ICL, GoudenKorrel, Cartesian Capital, PolyNatura, POLY4, Polysulphate, Poland, US, New Mexico, UK, Boulby, Woodsmith, Mine, Mining, BHP, Investment, Divestment, Takeover

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Potash project listing 2024


Fertilizer International presents a global round-up of current potash projects.


The first bulk consignment of GreenSwitch® Potassium Sulphate (SOP) left Cinis Fertilizer’s factory in Sweden on 18th September for delivery via ship to customer Van Iperen International in The Netherlands (see photo). Keywords: Project, Listing, 2024, Potash, Projects, Greenfield, Brownfield, Expansions, MOP, SOP, Polyhalite, Cinis fertilizers, Ornskoldsvik, Sweden, GreenSwitch, Van Iperen, Highfield Resources, Muga, Spain, PolyNatura, Ochoa, Cartesian Capital, New Mexico, United States, US

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New SOP capacity – reality bites


The prospect of a drastic expansion in potassium sulphate production has been linked to a plethora of projects in Australia, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. These have sought to take advantage of market tightness and high price premiums. Yet investor interest in supposedly promising projects has waned over the last few years. In this insight article, CRU's Alexander Chreky explains the reasons behind the high project failure rate, as well as highlighting some limited successes.


Potassium sulphate (sulphate of potash, SOP) is valued as a low-chloride potassium and sulphur source for chloride-sensitive cash crops such as tobacco, fruit, and vegetables. While SOP accounts for a little under 10 percent of global potash demand, far behind the much more widely traded and produced potassium chloride (muriate of potash, MOP), it commands a significant price premium over MOP, principally due to its value as a low-chloride potassium fertilizer. Keywords: Potassium sulphate, SOP, Capacity, Supply, Price premium, East Africa, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Australia, Sweden, Egypt, Evergrow, Se.ven Global Investments, BCI Minerals, Reward Minerals, Lake Way, Beyondie, Mardie, Cinis fertilizers, Ornskoldsvik, Glaserite process, Recycling, Recovery, Waste, Procurement, Sodium sulphate

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Yara's Golden Batch tool – digitally optimising NPK production


The 'golden batch' refers to stable periods at production plants that consistently generate high quality NPK products at high output. Yara's Golden Batch digital tool digitises and stores past data from optimal production runs, making these easy to retrieve and implement again in future. Yara's Marianne Ytterbø provides an overview of this novel digital tool, explains how it was developed, and highlights key benefits.


The Golden Batch is a digital tool built and developed by Yara for NPK fertiliser plants. The basic idea of the tool is to digitise historical records of ‘good production’ held by operators in binders and notebooks. The tool provides access to data on previous successful production runs in a user-friendly way and, by making these searchable, allows operators to follow up on this knowledge during current production. It also continuously monitors the plant, ensuring the best production periods are always captured and stored for the future. Keywords: NPK, Fertilizer, Production, Rate, Process, Plant, Technology, Digital tool, Golden batch, Yara, Best practice, Operators, Training, Optimisation, Efficiency, Uusikaupunki, Finland

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