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We compare and contrast the 2023 financial performance of selected major fertilizer producers following the publication of fourth quarter results.Abstract
2023 was a year in which the fertilizer market once again readjusted. Keywords: Annual results, Company, Fertilizer, Potash, Phosphates , Nitrogen, Production, Sales, Producers, Finances, Financial performance, Profitability, Market capitalisation, 2022, Full year, Revenues, Earnings, EBITDA, Free cash flow, Net debt, Nutrien, Mosaic, CF, Yara, K+S, ICLSummary
Sulphur plays an important role in crop nutrition. Indeed, sulphur is increasingly being recognised as the fourth major crop nutrient alongside N, P and K. However, a combination of intensive agricultural practices, increasing application of high-analysis fertilizers and tighter air quality regulations has led to increasing sulphur deficiency in soils. In this insight article, CRU's Peter Harrisson looks at what's driving sulphur deficiency and whether there's a gap in the market for sulphur fertilizers.Abstract
Plants are able to take up sulphur as a soil nutrient in sulphate form. This can be supplied directly through atmospheric deposition and sulphate fertilizers, or via the oxidation of organic sulphur or elemental sulphur fertilizers. Organic sulphur accounts for around 95 percent of the sulphur found in soils and, when converted into sulphate, is either taken up by plants or lost from the system by leaching. The major factors influencing the levels of available sulphur in soil are the rate of plant uptake versus replenishment by atmospheric deposition, animal/crop wastes and fertilizer applications (Figure 1). Keywords: Sulphur, Enhanced, Fertilizers, Supply, Demand, Crops, Soils, Deficit, Sulphates, Elemental, Ammonium , Potassium, Sulphate, Sulphate, SOP, Single superphosphate, SSPSummary
Sulphur is a necessary nutrient for strong and healthy plant-growth and disease resistance. Fertipaq manufactures the liquid suspension fertilizer S-600 using sulphur recovered wastewater and biogas streams. This organic product is an ideal nutrient source for crops with a high sulphur requirement.Abstract
Sulphur is an element consumed at a large scale by many different sectors, including agriculture, the chemical industry, and cosmetics and pharmaceuticals manufacturers. Currently, more than 80 percent of the world’s sulphur supply comes from the desulphurisation of crude oil and natural gas. Yet some studies are predicting a shortage of sulphur as soon as 2040, as the world moves away from fossil fuels as part of the energy transition. Because of this, recovering elemental sulphur from sources that are not reliant on fossil fuels – such as wastewater and biogas streams – looks set to become an increasingly important and more sustainable source of sulphur in future. Keywords: Company profile, Sulphur, Recovery, Wastewater, Biogas, Fertipaq, Elemental, Liquid, Suspension, Fertilizer, Paques, Thiopaq, NetherlandsSummary
RNZ Group is positioning itself as the most innovative and sustainable fertilizer producer in the UAE. In partnership with Shell, the company has been manufacturing sulphur-enhanced fertilizers using Thiogro technology since the end of 2022. Raza Soomar, RNZ's managing director, provides an overview of the company and highlights recent business successes.Abstract
Dubai-headquartered RNZ Group is a leading supplier of water-soluble fertilizers, granular NPK grades and organic fertilizers to the Middle East, Africa and Southern Asia (MEASA) region. The company’s fully automatic NPK blending and granulation plant, set up in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2011, has a combined production capacity of 105,000 t/a. Keywords: Company profile, RNZ, United Arab Emirates, UAE, Sulphur, Enhanced, Fertilizers, Production, Water-soluble, WSFs, Hydroponics, Vertical farms, Innovation, Production, Productions, Sustainability, MicronutrientsSummary
Addressing the 'leaky' nature of nitrogen fertilizers is a longstanding priority for growers, fertilizer producers and retailers alike. Dr Karl Wyant, Nutrien's Director of Agronomy, examines the valuable role enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEFs) can play in improving nitrogen use efficiency.Abstract
Growers continue to face the task of improving nutrient use efficiency. For nitrogen fertilizers (urea, ammonium sulphate, liquid urea ammonium nitrate, etc.), this is a dual challenge requiring higher crop uptake of nitrogen, relative to the amount applied, and reducing environmental impacts by closing off the multiple pathways for nitrogen loss in the field1 (Figure 1). Keywords: Enhanced efficiency, Stabilised, Fertilizers, EEFs, SFs, Urease, Reaction, Inhibitors, Nitrogen, Losses, Use efficiency, NUE, Leaching, Volatilisation, Volatilization, Denitrification, Nitrates, Ammonia, Slow, Controlled, Release, SRFs, CRFs, Coatings, Coated, Polymer, Granules, Urea, ESN, NutrienSummary
Urease and nitrification inhibitors are cost efficient and easy to implement solutions for improving the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of urea ammonium nitrate (UAN). The use of inhibitors enables farmers to substantially reduce nitrogen losses and achieve their environmental targets, explains Thomas Profitt, Syensqo's Global Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Manager, while improving crop yields and generating a positive return on investment.Abstract
Urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) is a 20 million tonne global market (UAN 30 basis), representing 5.5 percent of total agricultural nitrogen use (Figure 1). Due to regional buying preferences, consumption is concentrated in North America and Europe, where UAN accounts for around 24 percent and 13 percent of agricultural nitrogen use, respectively. Keywords: Enhanced efficiency, Stabilised, Fertilizers, EEFs, Urease, Reaction, Inhibitors, Nitrogen, Losses, Use efficiency, NUE, Leaching, Volatilisation, Volatilization, Denitrification, Urea ammonium nitrate, UAN, NBPT, DCD, Synesqo, Corn, Wheat, Crop, Trials, OmexSummary
The need for immediate climate action and cuts in carbon emissions has never been more urgent, especially in a world where ecosystems are increasingly under threat. The production of green fertilizers offers a clear route to achieving these goals by decreasing the chemical industry's reliance on fossil fuels. Stamicarbon's Carmen Perez, Rolf Postma and Nikolay Ketov outline the company's innovative and integrated approach to green fertilizer technology.Abstract
Combining ammonia production using renewable power with the most efficient fertilizer technology is a promising green production pathway. Indeed, Stamicarbon, the nitrogen technology licensor of MAIRE engineering group, believes this approach can improve agricultural sustainability and deliver humanity's food needs while preserving the planet for future generations. The company is actively contributing to the transition to green fertilizers by advancing a suite of technologies that can be integrated and customised to design energy-efficient, carbon-free production plants. Keywords: Stamicarbon, Maire, Stami, Green , Ammonia, Hydrogen, Technology, Design, Projects, Production, Urea ammonium nitrate, UAN, Nitrates, Plant, Fertilizer, Production, Complex, Process, IntegrationSummary
Fertilizers will always be fundamental to food production, but they will also have to be low emissions, environmentally friendly and support healthy soils. In this article, Dr Alexander Schmitt, Chief Marketing Officer, Anglo American Crop Nutrients, explains how polyhalite meets all three of these criteria – while also helping to increase the quantity and quality of food a farmer can produce.Abstract
Agriculture is facing a significant challenge: how to grow more food to feed more people, while combatting climate change, and healing the world’s largely damaged soils. The agricultural practices of the past are not sustainable solutions for the future. Keywords: Anglo American, Woodsmith mine, UK, Polyhalite, POLY4, Agriculture, Farming, Sustainability, Fertilizers, Organic, Carbon footprint, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Crop nutrients, Soil healthSummary
How does an engineering company complete the basic and detailed engineering for a phosphoric acid plant – and provide the full design for the off-site sections and utilities? Jan Tytgat, De Smet Agro's Process Engineering Manager, explains an approach based on partnership with the technology licensor and client that combines engineering expertise with experience.Abstract
Successfully designing a new phosphoric acid plant requires a combination of experience and know-how. De Smet Agro is Prayon’s most experienced engineering partner with an unparalleled track record, having completed the design of numerous phosphoric acid projects globally during the last 60 years. Keywords: Basic , Detailed , Engineering , Phosphoric acid , Phosphate rock, Plants, Process, Utilities, Technology, Licensor, Licensee, Production, De Smet Agro, PrayonSummary
KBR designs and builds customised phosphoric acid purification plants tailored to the individual demands of clients. Christopher Heikkilä, KBR's Business Development Manager, outlines the process design requirements and the challenges associated with impurities removal.Abstract
Phosphoric acid is commonly produced by the wet process to different quality standards. Green or merchant-grade acid (MGA), for example, can be directly used in fertilizer production without further purification, whereas most other applications require the removal of impurities to produce purified phosphoric acid (PPA). Keywords: Purified, Merchant, Grade, Phosphoric acid, PPA, MGA, Purification, Process, Technology, Production, Impurities, Removal, KBR, Solvent extraction , Precipitation, Stripping, Absorption, Fluorine, Chlorine, Iron, Aluminium, Sulphur, Organic matter