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Fertilizer futures and price risk management


In increasingly volatile times for commodity markets, companies up and down the fertilizer supply chain are being left financially exposed to price fluctuations. Alison Coughlin and Tom Crane of CME Group explain how derivatives allow fertilizer market participants to protect themselves from the risk of adverse price movements.


Fertilizer derivatives – in the form of cleared swaps and futures – have been in existence and offered by CME Group since 2011. They enable market participants to hedge their exposure to dynamic shifts in fertilizer supply and demand. Keywords: Fertilizer, Trading, CME, Futures, Markets, Derivatives, Commodity, Urea, UAN, DAP, MAP, Hedging, Short, Long, Position, Price, Volatility, Exposure  

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Iodine: the newly recognised plant nutrient


New research findings strongly suggest that iodine behaves as a plant nutrient. SQM International has been quick to follow up on this discovery by launching a new speciality iodine fertilizer for fertigated crops.


Breakthrough research Results are strongly suggestive of the role of iodine as a plant nutrient.” That was the main conclusion of a landmark paper published by Italian scientists last year1. Keywords: New, Products, SQM, Speciality, Fertilizer, Iodine, Micronutrients, Potassium, Nitrate, NOP, Fertigation, Ultrasol K Plus, Yield, Quality, Tomato, Lettuce, Pepper, Cucumber, Melon, Sugarcane, Pomegranate, Papaya, Banana, Coffee

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Innovation showcase


A selection of innovative products and technologies that have recently been brought to market.


Croptune from AgrIOT Israeli Ag-tech company AgrIOT is the developer of the Croptune™ digital farming tool. This provides the grower with accurate, real-time measurements of plant nitrogen content for a broad range of field crops and orchards. Keywords: New, Fertilizers, Products, Foliar, Technology, Precision agriculture, Digital farming, Apps, AgriIOT, Tracegrow, CleverFarm, Innovar, Soilgenic, Omya, ICL, Aglime, Enhanced efficiency, EEFs, Croptune, Calciprill, InnoSolve, FertilizerplusS, Polyhalite, NitroBlock

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Levity Crop Science: growing more with less


  The overuse of limited natural resources and excessive contributions to climate change are just two of the criticisms currently levelled at global agriculture. Plant scientist David Marks is addressing these criticisms head-on through the company he founded, Levity Crop Science. He believes that, with better access to the right products, farmers can bring agriculture back into balance.


"Most farmers don’t want to use harsh chemicals if they can help it. And whatever chemicals they do use, they want to minimise what they need to apply.” Keywords: Levity Crop Science, Company, Profile, UK, Functional fertilizers, LoCal, LimiN, Calcium, Boron, Silicon, Nitrogen, Manganese, Molybdenum, Iron

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Sulphur forming technologies


It is generally necessary to solidify sulphur into a robust form suitable for handling and long-distance transport. Granulation, pastillation and prilling are some of the technologies used to produce solid sulphur from molten material. Similar technologies are also used to manufacture sulphur fertilizers.


KREBER Developments in sulphur prilling Family-owned and Rotterdam-based prilling company Kreber was founded in 1902. The company offers prilling equipment and technology for sulphur and fertilizers such as urea ammonium nitrate and calcium ammonium nitrate. Keywords: Pastillation, Drum, Granulation, Granulator, Prilling, Air, Wet, Kreber, IPCO, Rotoform, SG20, Matrix PDM, Devco, Netherlands, Italy, China

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Fertilizer plant revamping: technology & projects


The refurbishment and modernisation of fertilizer plants offers the opportunity to reduce operating costs, raise production capacity, improve energy efficiency and cut emissions.


CASALE Recent revamp success stories Fertilizer plant revamping is a long-standing and core area of expertise for Lugano-headquartered Casale. The Swiss company’s extensive revamp experience encompasses ammonia, urea, NPK and phosphate plants worldwide. Keywords: Production, Technology, Projects, Plants, Capacity, Energy efficiency, Emissions, Revamping, Revamp, Modernisation, Casale, Thyssenkrupp, Uhde, Stamicarbon, Revamping, Revamps, Ammonia, NPK, Urea, Green, High pressure, HP, Stripper, Stripping, Boiler, Granulator pipe reactor, GPR

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Resource efficient phosphate production


The phosphate fertilizer industry is turning to production methods that are able to consume low-grade phosphate rock and/or generate pure gypsum as a by-product. Gypsum-free processes, and technologies that capture phosphorus from waste streams, are also on the rise.


Prayon’s new DA-HF Process Most of the world’s phosphoric acid is produced via the DH (Di-Hydrate) process route. For some years now, Prayon has been developing an improved phosphoric acid production process known as DA-HF (Dihydrate Attack-Hemihydrate Filtration). Keywords: Phosphate, Technology, Production, Process, Innovation, Phosphorus, Efficiency, Gypsum, By-products, Reuse, Recycling, Recovery, Fertiberia, ICL, Prayon, Ostara, Novaphos, Incro, Technip Energies, Diplo, EcoPhos, GetMoreP, DA-HF, IHP

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Phosphorus recovery and the future of fertilizers


Reclaiming phosphorus from sewage sludge ash holds great potential for the fertilizer industry – by helping to reduce dependency on global supply chains, ensuring resilience and even raising quality. But successful phosphorus recovery largely depends on the process used, as EasyMining's Anna Lundbom, Sara Stiernström and Christian Kabbe explain.


European interest in phosphorus recovery has risen to a whole new level in recent months. The sanctions imposed on Russia following the conflict in Ukraine has highlighted Europe’s dependency on imported phosphate rock, and its particular reliance on both Russian and North African sources. Keywords: Phosphate, Technology, EasyMining, Ash2Phos, Process, Phosphorus, Sewage sludge ash, Recycling, Recovery, Secondary, Calcium phosphate, EU, Legislation, Regulation, Switzerland, Germany, Critical, Supply security, Circular economy

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Cooling water facilities at phosphoric acid plants


Wet process phosphoric acid plants require reliable cooling water facilities. Jan Tytgat, engineering manager, De Smet Agro, shares his insights on the design and operation of cooling water networks, pumps and towers.


The increasing importance of cooling towers Cooling water is required at various sections throughout the phosphoric plant (see box). It can be sourced in one of two ways – either being directly taken from nearby open water (such as the sea, a lake or river) or supplied using a dedicated cooling tower. Keywords: Phosphoric acid, Technology, Process, Plant, Equipment, Production, Engineering, De Smet Agro, Cooling, Water, Towers, Pumps, Pumping, Network, Design, Fluorine, MGA, Condensers, Concentration evaporators, Flash coolers, Vacuum filters

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