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We compare and contrast the 2021 financial performance of selected major fertilizer producers following the publication of fourth quarter results.Abstract
Record financial results for Nutrien Saskatoon-headquartered Nutrien reported record financial results in 2021. Due to its unrivalled scale and global reach, the Canadian company’s performance tends to exemplify and set the tone for the whole fertilizer industry. Keywords: Annual; Company; Results; Fertilizer; Potash; Phosphates; Nitrogen; Production; Sales; Producers; Finances; Financial performance; Profitability; Market capitalisation; 2022; Full year; Fourth quarter; Revenues; Earnings; EBITDA; Free cash flow; Net debt; Nutrien; Mosaic; CF; Yara; K+S; ICLSummary
Liquid fertilizers are emerging as a high growth, multibillion dollar market. Their growing use is linked to trends such as no-till farming and the greater adoption of precision agriculture. Leading producers and products are highlighted.Abstract
Compelling benefits The use of liquid fertilizers has increased dramatically in recent years. Liquid products offer undeniable practical advantages. They are also cost-effective – providing savings in materials, handling and application costs. Keywords: Product trends; Liquid; Fertilizers; Urea; Ammonium; Polyphosphate; APP; Nitrate; UAN; CAN; Potassium; Calcium; Magnesium; Thiosulphate; Anhydrous ammonia; CF Industries; Koch; Tessenderlo; SQM; Van Iperen; Yara; Heliae Agriculture; PhycoTerraSummary
Heat recovery systems at sulphuric acid plants have been providing carbon-free energy for decades now and continue to improve. There is also potential to combine the clean power generated at acid plants with hydrogen production from water electrolysis. This could provide the basis for green fertilizer production.Abstract
CHEMETICS The green fertilizer complex Rene Dijkstra In this article, Chemetics introduces its green fertilizer complex concept. This integrates a sulphuric acid plant with green hydrogen and ammonia production to deliver carbon-free ammoniated phosphates at low cost with low emissions Sulphuric acid; Technology; Chemetics; PegasusTSI; Elessent; MECS; HRS; MAX3; CORE-SO2; Heat recovery; Electrolysis; Green; Fertilizers; Production; Phosphates; Clean; Energy; Integration; Power; Generation; Ammonia; Hydrogen; EmissionsSummary
The precision mixing and granulation of mineral and organic fertilizer ingredients are essential to meet growing market demand for high-value, complex crop fertilizers. Furthermore, the ability to mix and granulate in a single machine offers fertilizer manufacturers both operational and product quality advantages over traditional granulation methods.Abstract
Disc granulation vs mix-granulation Disc granulation is the method commonly used to produce fertilizer granules. This two-stage process typically employs a pin mixer (or similar mixer type) to pre-mix powdered materials to provide the feed for the disc pelletiser. Fertilizers; Finishing; Mineral; Organic; Granulation; Process; Batch; Continuous; Mix; Counter-current; Mixing; Lancaster ProductsSummary
The recently-published IEA Ammonia Technology Roadmap sets out a future pathway for decarbonising the nitrogen industry. New technology options for low-carbon ammonia production are emerging and project activity is on the rise.Abstract
The Ammonia Technology Roadmap – a collaboration between the International Energy Agency (IEA), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) – was published last October in advance of November’s COP26 climate conference in Glasgow1. Keywords: Sustainability; Decarbonisation; Ammonia; Nitrogen; Industry; Production; Technology; IFA; International Fertilizer Association; International Energy Agency; IEA; Green; Ammonia; Hydrogen; Carbon capture and storage; CCS; Carbon emissions; Net zero; Electrolysis; Nutrient use efficiency; NUESummary
By using modular construction, operational modelling and digital plant control, thyssenkrupp Uhde can offer customers fast-build, capital efficient green ammonia plants. Dr Christian Renk and Dr Klaus Nölker explain the company's innovative approach to plant construction, design and control.Abstract
Future global demand for green ammonia is expected to be enormous, according to the latest market forecasts. This will require generation of green ammonia on a very large scale. Keywords: Sustainability; Production; Technology; thyssenkrupp Uhde; Renewable; Energy; Green; Ammonia; Hydrogen; Storage; Modular; Construction; Plants; Control; Modelling; Model; Digital; ToolsSummary
Economically viable production of green ammonia requires plants that can react to fluctuations in renewable power thanks to their flexible design. Casale's Francesco Baratto, Giovanni Genova and Sergio Panza explain how new tools are helping design green ammonia plants that deliver the highest possible production at the lowest possible cost.Abstract
Developing a green economy has become a priority for many nations. This includes the large-scale expansion in renewable energy needed to meet ‘net zero’ climate and energy targets by 2050. Keywords: Sustainability; Production; Technology; Casale; Renewable; Energy; Intermittency; Optimisation; Green; Ammonia; Hydrogen; Storage; Plants; Control; Model; Modelling; Digital; ToolsSummary
We profile leading suppliers of tailor-made pumps and pipes to the phosphates and sulphur industries.Abstract
Phosphate and potash fertilizer manufacturing typically requires the handling of highly abrasive and/or corrosive liquids and slurries. Industrial pumps, as essential components of any P and K production system, therefore need to be robust and reliable enough to handle these. Keywords: Process; Sulphuric acid; Sulphur; Phosphates; Phosphoric acid; Industry; Production; Equipment; Pumps; Pumping; Pipes; Liquids; Slurry; Duchting; Sulzer; Weir; Lewis; ITT; Rheinhutte; Gould; Mouvex; PSG; Butting; APTSummary
Erosion and corrosion are two of the biggest challenges faced by equipment used in phosphate fertilizer production. This harsh operating environment requires exceptionally well-designed pumps made from sophisticated and robust construction materials. Hani Tello of ITT Rheinhütte and Harvinder Bhabra of ITT Goulds Pumps outline the range of options.Abstract
Pumps and materials ITT’s two global brands, Rheinhütte and Goulds Pumps, offer a full range of metallic and non-metallic pumps. These are specifically designed to operate throughout every stage of the fertilizer production process, including the handling of: Keywords: Process; Sulphuric acid; Sulphur; Phosphates; Beneficiation; Phosphoric acid; Industry; Production; Equipment; Pumps; Liquids; Slurry; Pumping; ITT; Rheinhutte; GouldSummary
The Woodsmith polyhalite project in the UK is starting to benefit from Anglo American's ownership, with the mining major leveraging its key advantages to good effect. These include the company's operational size and financial stability, its vast mineral extraction experience, and premium product marketing expertise. The company also believes that the fertilizer sector will benefit from its leadership in mining industry sustainability.Abstract
Important, substantive changes are underway at Anglo American’s under-construction Woodsmith polyhalite mine in northern England. Mine redesign work to maximise the long-term value of the asset, for example, continues to be a project priority. Keywords: Woodsmith; Mine; Mining; Project; UK; England; Construction; Investment; Polyhalite; POLY4; Sustainability; Anglo American; Crop nutrients; Fertilizer; Industry; Decarbonisation; Green; Energy; Renewables; Hydrogen; TrucksSummary
The Woodsmith polyhalite project in the UK is starting to benefit from Anglo American's ownership, with the mining major leveraging its key advantages to good effect. These include the company's operational size and financial stability, its vast mineral extraction experience, and premium product marketing expertise. The company also believes that the fertilizer sector will benefit from its leadership in mining industry sustainability.Abstract
Important, substantive changes are underway at Anglo American’s under-construction Woodsmith polyhalite mine in northern England. Mine redesign work to maximise the long-term value of the asset, for example, continues to be a project priority. Keywords: Woodsmith; Mine; Mining; Project; UK; England; Construction; Investment; Polyhalite; POLY4; Sustainability; Anglo American; Crop nutrients; Fertilizer; Industry; Decarbonisation; Green; Energy; Renewables; Hydrogen; Trucks