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Russia's invasion of Ukraine has turned the sulphur market on its head, potentially removing several million tonnes of supply from Russia and Kazakhstan and sending prices skyrocketing.Abstract
Sulphur markets had already picked up in 2021 due to increasing demand from the phosphate sector, and tighter supply, but 2022 has seen prices soar, especially since the invasion of Ukraine and the imposition of stringent economic sanctions. Keywords: LITHIUM, NICKEL, BATTERY, BATTERIES, LEACH, LEACHING, ACID, HPAL, REFINERY, REFINERIES, SOUR, PHOSPHATESummary
US refiners have upgraded to take advantage of generally cheaper, sourer crude feeds. However, a ban on oil imports from Russia may make that harder to come by.Abstract
One of the key determinants of refinery sulphur production is the sulphur content of the crude oil (and other components) that the refinery processes. Keywords: SHALE, MARS, TIGHT, HSFO, MARKET, PRICE, HYDROGEN, API, GRAVITY, RUSSIASummary
A new fully automated process has been developed that combines real time H2S readings from an H2S analyser and Q2 Technologies' proprietary scavenger chemistry to treat high H2S crude oil on demand. The process provides an efficient and effective way to administer the chemical product to avoid overtreating or undertreating. In some cases, the end user is seeing greater than 50% savings. It is a unique confluence of technology including IoT, advanced chemistry, and oil and gas personnel incentivised to demonstrate continuous improvement.Abstract
Meeting commercial oil and gas pipeline quality specifications with regards to hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is of the utmost importance when it comes to the overall merchantability and safety of a barrel of crude oil. Keywords: hydrogen sulphide, H2S treatment, H2S analyser, scavenger, crude oil, pipeline specifications, sour crude, mercaptans, testing, Pro3, Q2 TechnologiesSummary
The trend for multicomponent analysis of emissions from sulphur recovery units is becoming more widespread. David Inward of Sick reports on a recent field trial to test the suitability of a hot extractive infra-red analyser for this application. In addition to reliably measuring and reporting emissions to air, the analyser is also capable of contributing to reducing overall tail gas emissions by supporting enhanced optimisation of the thermal oxidiser.Abstract
Recent trends in reporting emissions to air from sulphur plants increasingly require additional components to be measured beyond just sulphur dioxide (SO2). Keywords: Emissions monitoring, CEMS, IR analyser, sulphur recovery unit, field trial, hot extractive infra-red analyser, multicomponent analyser, sulphur dioxide, SO2, carbon monoxide, CO, nitrogen oxides, NOx, SickSummary
Jochen Geiger of AMETEK Process Instruments reviews SRU process analyser standards, how to choose the right instruments, what to watch out for when selecting the point of installation, responsibilities for the analysers after installation, and how to make best use of the information provided by these analysers. Potential upset conditions and how analysers can help us to understand and mitigate them are also discussed.Abstract
While all process control instruments are important, SRU analysers should be viewed as particularly important, and their reliability is paramount. Not only is there virtually no back-up for these instruments, but there are also very limited “process back-up” options available. Keywords: sulphur plant, sulphur recovery unit, process instrumentation, analyser, installation, sample point, maintenance, training, tail gas analyser, process upsets, feed gas analyser, sulphur pit sweep gas, air demand analyser, stack analyser, AMETEK Process InstrumentsSummary
Most inspection personnel are familiar with the symptoms of process-related issues; however, they often lack an understanding of the root causes of water-related issues. In this article L. Huchler of MarTech Systems and E. Nasato of Nasato Consulting provide insight about early warning signs of common water-related failures in steam generators and sulphur condensers, proactive monitoring practices, practical operating strategies, options for corrective actions, reminders about robust water-side design and reminders about the challenges of prematurely destroying evidence by prioritising cleaning over diagnostic efforts during turnaround activities.Abstract
Processing natural gas and refining sour crude creates a sulphide-laden waste stream. The sulphur recovery unit (SRU) processes this waste stream, creating a commercially valuable commodity, sulphur, and allowing the plant to conform to environmental discharge regulations. Keywords: sulphur recovery unit, utilities, water issues, steam generators, sulphur condensers, monitoring, operating strategy, water-side design, corrective actions, high purity makeup water, process control, condenser water level, shutdown procedures, turnaround, inspection, MarTech Systems, Nasato ConsultingSummary
The economic conversion of phosphogypsum waste into a valuable product has been pursued for decades. Although phosphogypsum is still generally disposed of as waste, industry attitudes are changing and greater use of phosphogypsum will be expected in a circular economy.Abstract
The global expansion of phosphate fertilizer manufacturing is generating ever larger volumes of phosphogypsum waste. The conventional manufacturing route for phosphate fertilizers involves treating phosphate rock with sulphuric acid to make phosphoric acid. Keywords: phosphogypsum use, phosphogypsum waste, impurities, circular economy, plaster, cement, phosphate fertilizer, phosphate rock, DH process, HH process, DH-HH process, HDH process, recrystallisation process, Diplo process, OSW-Krupp process, valuable product, phosphogypsum stack, reclamation, soil, anthrosol, Technip Energies, Prayon, thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions, Nutrien