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Brazil's fertilizer market


Debora Simoes, Bruno Fardim, and Cleber Vieira of Agroconsult report on what's driving the Brazilian fertilizer market currently and look at prospects for the coming year.


2021 – a remarkable year 2021 proved to be a remarkable year for fertilizer consumption in Brazil. Fertilizer product deliveries reached 45.96 million tonnes Keywords: Brazil; Fertilizer; Market; Deliveries; Consumption; Demand; Imports; Soybean; Logistics; Ports; Masso Grosso; Farm; Profits; Costs; Barter ratio; Drought; Agroconsult; Ukraine; Russia

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Avocado fertilization


Mexico supplies more than half of the international avocado market. This oil-rich, nutritious fruit is also widely grown in Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Peru. We look at the nutrient needs of this regionally-important cash crop.


Central American native The avocado (Persea americana) is a native of Central America and the West Indies. Written accounts date back to the early 1500s when the Spanish conquistadors encountered extensive avocado growing Keywords: Crop nutrition; Avocado; Fruit; Yield; Quality; Production; Hass; Mexico; Colombia; Dominican Republic; Peru; Fertilizers; Fertilization; Nutrient; Uptake; Removal; Tessenderlo; K-Leaf; GranuPotasse; Omex; Agrifluids; CalMax; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Potassium; Sulphate; SOP; Calcium; Magnesium; Boron; Zinc; Foliar; Products

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Innovative nutrition for Latin American avocado crops


Correct fertilizer usage at each crop stage can helps avocado growers improve their yield, quality and profitability. ICL's Mateo Martinez and Alveiro Salamanca-Jimenez explain how growers can supply crop nutrients to avocado trees, efficiently and effectively, using economically- and environmentally-sustainable principles.


Avocado (genus Persea, family Lauracea) is a stone fruit that grows in tropical and Mediterranean climates. Uniquely, avocado fruit is high in ‘healthy’ monounsaturated fats, compared to other more carbohydrate- and sugar-rich fruit types. Keywords: Crop nutrition; Avocado; Fruit; Yield; Quality; Production; Hass; Mexico; Colombia; Dominican Republic; Peru; Fertilizers; Fertilization; Nutrient; Recommendations; Programme; Uptake; Removal; Polyhalite; Polysulphate; Controlled-release fertilizers; CRFs; Osmocote; Agroblen Agrocote; Agrolution; Pekacid; HiPeak; Nutrivant; Fertigation; Foliar; ICL; Products

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Sulphur fertilizers: a growing need


Sulphur is becoming an increasingly vital crop nutrient – due to a combination of lower sulphur deposition from the atmosphere, the increasing prevalence of high-analysis fertilizers and higher cropping intensity.


The sulphur cycle Similar to nitrogen and phosphorus, sulphur follows a cycle (Sulphur 392 p16). This cycle (Figure 1) illustrates: Keywords: Crop nutrients; Sulphur; Fertilizers; Products; Deficiency; Supply; Demand; Sulphate; Ammonium sulphate; AS; Single superphosphate; SSP; Sulphate of potash; SOP; NPS; Sulphur-bentonite; Thiosulphates; MicroEssentials; Water-disprsible granules; WDGs; Sulphur-coated urea; SCU; Mosaic; OCP; PhosAgro; Sulphur Mills

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Urea-ES – the answer to global soil sulphur deficiency?


The ability to incorporate elemental sulphur within urea granules to create a fertilizer carrier has excellent potential as an answer to global soil sulphur deficiency. This technology is already available for commercial implementation and offers many benefits, as Bernd Peuckmann and Harald Franzrahe of thyssenkrupp Fertilizer Technology explain.


The need to feed the world’s growing population is creating higher fertilizer demand – which, in turn, is driving the need for extra fertilizer production capacity. Keywords: Sulphur fertilizers; Urea; Elemental sulphur; ES; Urea-ES; thyssenkrupp; Production; Process; Technology; tkFT; Shell; UFT; Fluid bed; Granulation

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Crushing, conveying & screening


Efficient size preparation and ore transport are key prerequisites for successful potash and phosphate production. We highlight the range of equipment options.


Phosphate and potash mining technology is undoubtedly changing. Wider mining industry innovations are being taken up by P and K producers to improve their operational and resource efficiency and meet sustainability objectives. Keywords: P&K technology; Phosphate; Potash; Mining; Mine; Rock; Ore; In-pit; Crushing; Conveying; IPCC; Screening; Electrification; Excavation; Equipment; Bucket wheel excavators; Barracuda; Thyssenkrupp; Continuous miners; Komatsu; Screens; Directly-excited; Screening machines; J&H; Rhewum; RHEsono; RHEmoto

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Serra do Salitre project profile


EuroChem Group recently completed the purchase of the Serra do Salitre project from Yara International for $452 million. This one million tonne capacity Brazilian phosphate project is due to be completed in 2024.


Brazil’s growing phosphates supply/demand deficit over the next decade will have to be met by more imports and/or increases in domestic production capacity. Keywords: Profile; Report; Serra do Salite; Phosphate; Project; Yara; EuroChem; Brazil; Minas Gerais; Production; Investment; Supply; Construction; Mining; Beneficiation

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