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A sustainable solution for sulphur waste


RSK and its subsidiary ADAS have developed a sustainable solution for the disposal of sulphur waste generated from a natural gas processing facility in Iraq. C. Teulon of RSK reports on the research that was carried out to test whether the waste sulphur from a biological sulphur removal process could be applied in agriculture to increase the quality and quantity of crops in Iraq.


Evidence of Iraq’s vast petroleum resources are seen throughout the region in the extensive oil and gas extraction and processing facilities. Iraq is committed to reduce flaring by 2030 and as part of this, infrastructure is being developed to process natural gas that would otherwise be flared. Keywords: sulphur fertilizer, agriculture, sustainability, sulphur waste, biological sulphur removal process, crops, Iraq, pot trials, field trials, crop yield, RSK, ADAS

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Sulphuric acid projects and technology


Developments in sulphuric acid technology and engineering know-how are highlighted by recent project case studies from DuPont Clean Technologies, Metso Outotec and thyssenkrupp Uhde.


dupont clean technologies AZFC Unit 6 revamp projectBy 2015, the Unit 6 sulphur burning plant operated by Abu Zaabal Fertilizer and Chemical Company (AZFC) had been in service for 31 years. Unsurprisingly, three decades of operation at the company’s fertilizer production complex in Egypt’s Qulubia Governorate had taken their toll. Keywords: sulphuric acid technology, project, case study, revamp, sulphur burning plant, Abu Zaabal Fertilizer and Chemical Company, AZFC, acid tower, SO2 emissions, converter, MECS, equipment, Brink mist eliminators, GEAR catalyst, Mazidagi, Cengiz Holding, Eti Bakir, pyrite roasting, off-gas cleaning, sulphuric acid production, roasting plant, small scale sulphuric acid, strong acid, wet acid gas, equipment maintenance, DuPont Clean Technologies, Metso Outotec, thyssenkrupp Uhde

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Sour water stripping gas processing options


M. Rameshni and S. Santo of RATE discuss different sour water stripping gas processing options, depending on contaminants in the sour water streams and site-specific requirements.


In refineries, sour water is produced from different processes and units e.g. from naphtha and diesel hydrotreating and the delayed coker units. The sour water stripper removes hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) from the sour water generated in the refinery. Steam, generated in the reboiler, heats the water, and strips the H2S and NH3 from the water. Keywords: sour water stripping, SWS, H2S stripping, ammonia stripping, ammonia incineration, SWS-MAX, gas processing, sour water streams, single stage SWS, two-stage SWS, SRU capacity expansion, refinery expansion, corrosion problems, RATE

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Challenges with the transition to biofuels


Considering the current shift to produce biofuels instead of conventional oil products, M. van Son of Comprimo discusses the impact that this may have on the ability to process the sour water acid gas streams produced in existing or new sour water strippers.


Sour water can be found in most industrial facilities including refineries, gas plants, power plants and chemical factories. Depending on the source of the water, the components in the sour water will be completely different. Keywords: bio refinery, biofuel, SWS gas processing, sour water acid gas, SWAG, sour water stripper, ammonia burning, thermal oxidiser, ammonia scrubbing, scavenging unit, Comprimo

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Liquid redox going beyond the expected


The Valkyrie™ process was first introduced as a reborn version of redox technology for treating H2S in natural gas processing. In this article Streamline Innovations Inc. highlights some of the new developments and successful applications of the Valkyrie process and its redox technology, in both gas and water streams.


In Sulphur No. 387 March-April 2020, pages 46-52, Streamline Innovations Inc. introduced the Valkyrie™ process as a reborn version of redox technology for treating H2S in natural gas processing. Keywords: liquid redox, Valkyrie, natural gas, scavengers, acid gas treating, Talon Sulphide Elimination System, TSES, hydrogen sulphide, sulphide removal, Talon, packed tower treating, sour water treating, biodegradable, Streamline Innovations

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A new low-cost H2S scavenger


New low-cost metal oxide solid scavengers for hydrogen sulphide (H2S) removal from wet and dry natural gas have been developed and deployed at commercial scale. The desulphurisation process uses a proprietary sorbent chemistry to achieve a high sulphur capacity and removal efficiency. G. Alptekin, F. Kugler and M. Schaefer of SulfaTrap LLC describe the new technology and its performance.


In large gas processing plants, H2S is typically removed from the natural gas by amine solvent scrubbing. While amine wash works effectively to bring the sulphur concentration to levels acceptable for pipeline utilisation, the remaining sulphur concentration is typically too high for using the gas in chemical synthesis applications (e.g., steam methane reforming). Keywords: scavenger, metal oxide, H2S removal, natural gas, sorbent, polishing, SulfaTrap, wet natural gas, compressed natural gas, CNG, SulfaTrap-R7J, SulfaTrap-R7Q

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Sour gas projects


Although the number of new sour gas developments has slowed in recent years compared to the large boost of the previous decade, sour gas projects continue to be a major source of new sulphur production.


Sulphur extraction from processing of sour gas represents around 50% of all recovered sulphur, and can have an outsize effect on sulphur markets. Keywords: Abu Dhabi, Shah, Saudi, Qatar, Qatargas, Aramco, ADNOC, Barzan, Kazakhstan, TCO, NCOC, Canada, Alberta, Columbia, China, Kashagan

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Longer lived refractory linings


As sulphur recovery units operate at progressively higher temperatures, creep stress in the furnace refractory lining can lead to deformation or even failure of the bricks and require the shutdown of the SRU. UK-based DSF Refractories have developed a product which minimises creep stress damage at high temperatures, for a longer-lived furnace lining.


The Claus process converts hydrogen sulphide into elemental sulphur in two steps. The first step is the high temperature reaction furnace, where H2S in the gas stream is burnt in air or oxygen to convert a stoichiometric portion of it into sulphur dioxide. Keywords: Alumina, corundum, lining, silica, creep, BTX, benzene, ammonia, oxygen, stress, load, hydrogen, expansion, conduct, conductivity, flame, temperature

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Trends in demand for sulphur fertilizers


Sulphur is becoming an increasingly important crop nutrient, due to a combination of lower airborne sulphur emissions, the increasing prevalence of high analysis fertilizers, and higher cropping intensities.


Sulphur is present in all crops and plays an important metabolic role. It is essential for the formation of proteins, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes, and is involved in photosynthesis, energy metabolism and carbohydrate production. Keywords: TSP, MAP, SOP, DAP, bentonite, TSI, elemental, calcium, nitrate, sulphate, urea, coating, coated

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