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One year on from the launch of its Farm to Fork Strategy, the European Commission is still failing Europe's farmers, says Igor Shmidt, EuroChem Group's head of public affairs.Abstract
The European Commission is sleepwalking towards a sustainable-farming failure. Unless the Commission revises its Farm to Fork Strategy, launched in May last year, by offering farmers real incentives to adopt smart fertilization practices, it will have no hope of achieving its stated goal of reducing agriculture’s impact on the environment. Keywords: Industry, Viewpoint, EuroChem, EU, Europe, European Commission, Policy, Farm to fork strategy, Nutrients, Losses, Use, Efficiency, Fertilizers, Farmers, Farming, Enhanced, EEFs, NUESummary
Ammonia and sulphur, as essential raw materials, underpin and drive fertilizer production costs. A steep and sustained rally has seen prices for both commodities reach new heights in recent months.Abstract
The prices of fertilizers and fertilizer raw materials continues to surge. In the second of week of June, CRU’s fertilizer price index saw its largest weekly increase since 2008. Urea, UAN, ammonia, DAP/MAP, potash and sulphuric acid prices all posted double-digit increases in what is turning out to be an extraordinary year for commodity prices. Keywords: Commodities, Ammonia, Sulphur, Fertilizer, Raw materials, Prices, Pricing, Demand, Consumption, Supply, Projects, Covid 19, Production, Outlook, Market, China, United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Canada, Morocco, Trinidad, Nutrien, YaraSummary
A selection of innovative products and technologies that have recently been brought to market.Abstract
2021 has been an excellent year for product innovation. In March, for example, the next generation of fertilizers were highlighted in a two-day webinar on slow- and controlled-release and stabilised fertilizers (SCRFs) – an event Fertilizer International supported as media partner. Keywords: Products, Technology, Innovation, Slow, Controlled, Release, Stabilised, Fertilizers, Enhanced, Efficiency, SCRSFs, EEFs, CRFs, Urease, Nitrification, Inhibitors, BASF, Koch, Saviolife, KAS, The Fertilizer Institute, TFI, K+S, IFFCO, ICL, Borax, Nanotechnology, Nano, Urea, Boron, Potash, Sulphur, Anhybor, Zincubor, Roll-Kali, K+BooZter,Summary
The European Union is seeking to create a climate-neutral and circular economy through its flagship Green Deal policy. The fertilizer industry can support these objectives by adopting inhibitor treatment technology (ITT) and controlled-release fertilizers (CRFs) based on biodegradable polymers. These two innovations have a vital role to play in improving nitrogen use efficiency and the shift towards more sustainable resource use, says Dr Matthias Potthoff of thyssenkrupp Fertilizer Technology.Abstract
Fertilizers exert a dual pressure on the environment. On one hand, the world’s population is constantly growing, diets are shifting towards higher meat consumption, as at the same time the area of arable land becomes less and less. The result is higher fertilizer demand and usage. Keywords: Products, Technology, Thyssenkrupp, Uhde, UFT, Fertilizers, Nutrient use efficiency, NUE, tk, tkIS, BASF, Limus, Urease, Inhibitors, Treatment, ITT, Controlled-release, CRFs, Coatings, Biodegradable, Polymers, Polylactic acid, PLA, Urea, Granulation, Production, Process, Fluid bedSummary
The delivery of nitrogen in nitrate form can deliver superior yields and quality in arable, fruit and vegetable crops. Because of this, production and consumption of the principal nitrate fertilizers – ammonium nitrate (AN), calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), potassium nitrate (NOP) and calcium nitrate (CN) – continue to grow.Abstract
Nitrate fertilizers have a deserved reputation as efficient sources of agricultural nitrogen. Indeed, their superior performance over urea – in terms of yield and quality – has been demonstrated in numerous agronomic trials for fruit, vegetables and arable crops. Keywords: Nitrates, Products, Nitrogen, Fertilizers, Supply, Production, Producers, Demand, Trade, Imports, Exports, ammonium nitrate, AN, calcium ammonium nitrate, CAN, urea ammonium nitrate, UAN, potassium nitrate, NOP, calcium nitrate, CN, SQM, Haifa, Yara, CF, Kemapco, Uralchem, EuroChem, Prayon, Wentong, MigaoSummary
We highlight the large-scale nitrogen projects that are currently under development across the globe – with a focus on ammonia and urea technology licensors and engineering contractors.Abstract
With urea prices currently hovering around the $450/t mark, farmers might be relieved to know that extra global urea supply is on its way. Indeed, across the globe, a wave of new urea projects are either in the final stages of construction or being commissioned. Keywords: Nitrogen, Projects, Report, Construction, Commissioning, Production, Plants, Revamp, Revamping, Ammonia, Urea, Green, Blue, Australia, China, Egypt, India, Nigeria, Russia, Iran, Dangote, Lekki, Indorama, Eleme, Acron, Novgorod,, Metafrax, Gubakha, TOAZ, Togliatti, RFCL, Ramagundam, HURL, Gorakhpur, MSPIC, Khuzestan,, Strike Energy, Haber, EuroChem, Northwest 2, Perdaman, Haifa, Horisont Energi, Barents, KIMA 2, GIAP, Henan Xinlianxin, , Saipem, Casale, Toyo, Stamicarbon, Maire Tecnimont, Haldor TopsoeSummary
The crushing and grinding of mined phosphate rock and potash ore is a vital preparatory step for subsequent beneficiation and chemical processing. Although often overlooked, the efficiency of downstream P & K fertilizer production is heavily reliant on successful particle size reduction upstream.Abstract
In most forms of mining, the mechanical crushing and grinding of ore is the immediate next step after its extraction. Known as comminution, this is required to adjust particle size and/or liberate target minerals prior to beneficiation and downstream processing. Keywords: Comminution, Technology, Crushing, Grinding, Wet, Dry, Particle size reduction, Equipment, Phosphate, Rock, Potash, Ore, Beneficiation, Chemical processing, Froth flotation, Phosphoric acid, Production, Milling, Mills, Ball mills, Rod mills, Roller mills, Vertical roller mills, VRM, Jaw crushers, Loesche, Metso Outotec, Koppern, TerraSource, Pennsylvania Crusher, Gundlach, Florida, Saskatchewan, Canada, United States, Intrepid PotashSummary
A holistic understanding of the phosphate milling process is necessary, says Ian Hancock of Bradley Pulverizer. This ensures maximum plant uptime, the highest process efficiencies, and ultimately guarantees profitability.Abstract
Grinding and pulverising mills are the furthest upstream process in phosphate fertilizer manufacturing. The continuous crushing of phosphate rock to meet particle size specifications is essential for efficient downstream processing. Yet mills are more commonly seen as the ‘noisy neighbour’ to other process steps, rather than the essential engine that drives phosphates production. Keywords: Bradley Pulverizer, Comminution, Technology, Phosphate, Rock, Crushing, Grinding, Processing, Maintenance, Costs, Energy, Consumption, Efficiency, Ring-roller mills, Ball mills, Table-roller mills, Classifiers, Static, Dynamic, High efficiency, Air swept, Mills, Mill system, Single pass, RecycledSummary
Polysulphate is an affordable, easy-to-use, multi-nutrient fertilizer with a low environmental impact. ICL's chief agronomist, Patricia Imas, highlights the crop benefits of this natural and high-value product.Abstract
A multi-nutrient, multi-tasking product Polysulphate® is a new and unique multi-nutrient fertilizer exclusively mined in the UK by ICL. It is currently the world’s only commercial polyhalite fertilizer. Keywords: Polyhalite, Agronomy, ICL, Cleveland, United Kingdom, UK, Carbon footprint, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Sulphate, Nutrients, Nutrient use efficiency, NUE, Fertilizers, Fertilization, Organic, Farming, Fruit, Vegetables, Crops, Trials, Yield, Quality, Wheat, Pineapples, Potatoes, Pomelo, Germany, Sweden, China, MalaysiaSummary
Potassium nitrate is an efficient speciality fertilizer, being able to produce more for less. Whether applied to soils, via fertigation or through foliar application, it improves water use efficiency while boosting the uptake of potassium and other nutrients. Katja Hora and Harmen Tjalling Holwerda of SQM International highlight the main advantages of supplying potassium nitrate to crops.Abstract
To meet the needs of future generations, we need to produce more food with less inputs. This will require higher yields of staple food crops. These can be secured in two main ways: l Firstly, by prevention of plant nutrient deficiencies, particularly in the critical stages of crop growth. Keywords: Nitrate, Products, SQM, Potassium, Nitrogen, NOP, Micronutrients, Nutrients, Deficiency, Uptake, Use efficiency, NUE, Water use efficiency, QDrop, Ultrasol, Crop, Irrigation, Fertigation, Foliar, Application, Trials, Quality, Yield, Agronomy, Potatoes, Rice, , Mexico, China, United States, Brazil, Belgium