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The key to acid quality and acid plant longevity


With declining ore grade feed to a metallurgical smelting process comes an increase in impurity load in the gas cleaning/acid process chain. K. Hasselwander, L. Skilling and C. Bartlett of Metso Outotec discuss a range of process solutions and how to maintain high productivity while keeping costs in check.


In order to enable the continuous production of sulphuric acid, the gas must be thoroughly cleaned. All inorganic matter, which could contaminate the acid or have an impact on plant operation by decreasing the plant availability, must be removed from the gas. Keywords: wet gas cleaning, metallurgical acid, smelting, acid quality, ore quality, ore grade, impurities, arsenic, selenium, heavy metals, fluorides, chlorides, quench cooler, scrubber, gas cooler, condenser, wet electrostatic precipitator, WESP, ESP, mercury removal, Boliden Norzink process, Otovent venturi scrubber, Editube, halide removal system, Metso Outotec

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SRU revamping for emissions compliance and capacity increase


With the sulphur content of crude oil and natural gas on the increase and with the ever-tightening sulphur content in fuels, refiners and gas processors will require additional sulphur recovery capacity. At the same time, environmental regulatory agencies of many countries continue to promulgate more stringent standards for sulphur emissions from oil, gas and chemical processing facilities. Rameshni & Associates Technology and Engineering discusses options for compliance with new regulations on emissions regarding IMO 2020 compliance and report on the results and evaluation of three case studies. Worley Comprimo reports on the revamp of a sulphur complex built in the late 1980s at a refinery in East Asia with the aim to increase the capacity, improve the availability and reliability and make the unit environmental compliant.


Rameshni & Associates Technology and Engineering (RATE USA) IMO 2020 compliance and SRU revamping M. Rameshni and S. Santo New regulations, such as IMO 2020, mandate a maximum sulphur content of 0.5% in marine fuels globally. The driver of this change is the need to reduce the air pollution created in the shipping industry by reducing the sulphur content of the fuels that ships use. Keywords: SRU revamp, sulphur recovery unit, sulphur complex, refinery, emissions compliance, capacity increase, environmental regulations, IMO 2020, hydrotreater, SMAX direct oxidation, hydrotreater, SRU burner, reaction furnace, waste heat boiler, reheater, sulphur condenser, TGU, incineration, oxygen enrichment, oxygen piping, SO2 emissions, liquid sulphur handling, RATE, Worley Comprimo

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A safer and efficient way to cool strong sulphuric acid


N. Clark, B. Avancini and V. Sturm of Clark Solutions discuss a novel technology, SAFEHX®, providing a new approach to the cooling of strong sulphuric acid. Prototype results are shown and indicate a safe and stable cost-effective technology. SAFEHX® can be extended to every heat exchanger system where corrosion, mixture risks, fouling, process liquid loss (or contamination) and temperature control are key concerns.


Strong acid cooling and energy recovery is fundamental for sulphuric acid plants. Although strong acid cooling coupled with energy recovery is still not a widespread practice, since the 1980s interest in it has been growing. Keywords: sulphuric acid plant, sulphuric acid cooling, strong acid cooling, energy recovery, SAFEHX, SAFEHR, safety, hydrogen incidents, inert fluid, materials of construction, heat transfer, heat exchanger system, corrosion, fouling, process liquid loss, contamination, Clark Solutions

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Sulphur in India


India's growing economy and population are leading to increased demand for sulphur and sulphuric acid.


Although 2020 saw a contraction in GDP by 10% due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the country had been one of the fastest growing of the world’s top 10 economies, with growth of 8.3% in 2016, although this had slowed to 4.1% in 2019. Keywords: PHOSPHATE, SULPHATE, FORTIFIED, FERTILIZER, NP, NPK, NITROPHOSPHATE, PPL, ACID, REFINERY, BHARAT

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Sulphur markets remain unpredictable


While the covid pandemic has kept refinery run rates down in 2020, new refinery sulphur capacity will nevertheless form the bulk of new additions to sulphur production over the next few years. But delays to projects on both the supply and demand sides could tip a fairly balanced market in either direction.


The sulphur market has faced a rollercoaster over the past two years, mostly due to the disruptions caused by the coronavirus outbreak. Middle East f.o.b. prices dropped from around $170/t in January 2019 to below $50/t in January 2020, before beginning a climb in the second half of last year that has now seen them rise back towards $200/t. Keywords: REFINERY, REFINERIES, COVID, CORONAVIRUS, SHALE, SANDS, SAUDI ARABIA, CHINA, SOUR, BARZAN, PHOSPHATE, PHOSPHORIC, HPAL, AUSTRALIA, LEACHING, COPPER

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Smelter acid in East Asia


Metal processing in Northeast Asia is the major source of sulphuric acid exports from the region, and the ramp up of Chinese copper smelter capacity is leading to increased acid availability.


The major centres of sulphuric acid exports are Europe and northeast Asia. Korea and Japan in particular are the two largest individual exporters of sulphuric acid in the world, mainly from involuntary production in copper and other base metal smelting operations. Keywords: ZINC, LEAD, SUMITOMO, TREATMENT, CONCENTRATE, COPPER, PYRITE, MINE, MINING, SCRAP, RECYCLING

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