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The profound demand shock caused by Covid-related lockdowns has had a major impact upon the refining industry. Run rates have been at low levels in North America and Europe, and a new wave of rationalisation is under way, at the same time that capacity continues to grow in Asia. Will this spur diversification into petrochemicals and low carbon options for Atlantic basin refiners?Abstract
The past year has been one of the most difficult in some time for the refining industry. The sudden removal of several million barrels per day of demand sent a tremendous shock through the oil and refining sectors. Demand contracted by 20% as lockdowns hit first China, then Europe and North America in early 2020. Keywords: CAPTURE, CCUS, CCS, BIOREFINERY, DECARBONISE, DECARBONIZE, HVO, RENEWABLE, SPO, PALM OIL, DIESEL, GASOLINE, CDU, CRUDE, WASTE, ENERGY, OIL, PRICESummary
Sour gas processing presents a number of unique challenges, especially at high levels of hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide content.Abstract
Approximately 40% of the global natural gas reserves, either standalone or associated with oil production, are classified as ‘sour’, due to their content of either hydrogen sulphide (H2S) or carbon dioxide (CO2). Keywords: HEALTH, SAFETY, HS2, CO2, SELEXOL, SULFINOL, MEA, MDEA, AMINE, MERCAPTAN, CFZ, FREEZE, MEMBRANE, LEAK, CORROSIONSummary
Demand for nickel sulphate is expected to rise rapidly this decade to feed increased battery production for electric vehicles. At the same time, diminishing sources of high grade nickel ores are leading to a renewed focus on high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) of laterite ores, with a significant impact on sulphur and sulphuric acid demand.Abstract
Nickel sulphate has become something of a gold rush for mining companies, with a plethora of new projects announced and under development. In turn this promises to increase sulphuric acid demand for leaching of nickel ores, with knock-on effects on sulphur demand over the next decade. Keywords: EV, LITHIUM, ION, NMC, NVA, MANGANESE, SAPROLITE, LATERITE, NPI, TESLA, HPAL, PRESSURE, LEACHING, SUMITOMO, SMM, INDONESIA, AUSTRALIASummary
Wet sulphuric acid technology when used as tail gas treatment for a Claus unit, or in place of a Claus unit with amine-based tail gas unit, brings many benefits if there is a market for the sulphuric acid and steam. A new alternative is to have a WSA unit in combination with a Claus unit and to recycle the acid to the Claus unit for higher sulphur recovery efficiency.Abstract
Most new oil and gas field discoveries today are sour and require a certain amount of cleaning up as part of the process to bring products to market. Sulphur continues to be a significant byproduct from oil and gas upgrading in both refining, gas plants and various other processes. Keywords: wet sulphuric acid technology, WSA, tail gas treatment, TGT, SCOT, Claus, sulphuric acid, steam, sulphur recovery efficiency, SRE, sulphur removal, acid gases, TopClaus, Comprimo, Haldor Topsoe, ECOSA, Keyon Process, Oxysulf, KVT TechnologySummary
M. Baerends of Fluor reports on the conception, engineering, construction, commissioning and start-up of a new sulphuric acid plant that replaced an existing acid plant at a European sour gas processing terminal. This highly complex gas processing facility handles sour gas from an off-shore field, containing H2S that must be removed to meet transmission grid specifications. Various issues encountered, their resolution by the joint owner, Fluor and Topsoe team, and plant operating results are discussed.Abstract
Overview of gas terminal The gas terminal that is the subject of this article processes raw gas that is rich in both CO2 and nitrogen. This terminal was among the most complex in Europe when built, and includes compression, an activated MDEA (aMDEA) system for CO2 removal... Keywords: wet sulphuric acid, sour gas processing, WSA, sulphuric acid plant, Sulfinol, aMDEA, replacement project, engineering, construction commissioning, start-up, troubleshooting, Fluor, Haldor TopsoeSummary
EcoMax™ tail gas catalysts offer a sustainable and cost effective choice for tail gas catalysts. They are made from spent hydroprocessing catalysts, which reduces the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of sourcing fresh cobalt and molybdenum and therefore supports operators' sustainability goals. B. Visioli of Porocel (a part of Evonik) discusses the benefits of catalyst reuse from hydroprocessing for tail gas treating.Abstract
Keywords: EcoMax, sustainability, tail gas treating catalyst, socioeconomic impacts, spent hydroprocessing catalyst, catalyst reused, catalyst regeneration, catalyst rejuvenation, SRU emissions, catalyst activity, Porocel, low temperature TGT catalyst, CoMo hydrogenation catalyst, HDMax 230, Süd-ChemieSummary
Euro Support's new generation, titania-based low temperature tail gas catalyst shows a marked robustness to the start-up procedure compared to its common alumina-based counterparts. Dr B. Hereijgers of Euro Support discusses the promising lab results.Abstract
In Sulphur no. 369 Euro Support introduced its titania supported tail gas catalyst and highlighted the operational benefits on offer, especially for TGTU installations operated with steam reheaters at low temperature1. Keywords: tail gas catalyst, titania, low temperature tail gas catalyst, alumina, start-up, sulphidation CoMo catalyst, TGTU, COS conversion catalyst activity, Euro SupportSummary
Automatic identification and optimum online monitoring using sonic velocity measurements can now be used to determine the concentration of both sulphuric acid and oleum. C. Kahrmann and T. Knape of SensoTech report on a new user-friendly method of measurement providing a significant step towards automated process control.Abstract
Sulphuric acid is still one of the world’s most important industrial chemicals, used in many industrial applications and production steps. It is produced by the double contact double absorption process (DCDA) or the wet gas absorption process (WSA). Keywords: process control, monitoring, automatic identification, online monitoring, sonic velocity, sulphuric acid concentration, oleum concentration, LiquiSonic, analyser, SensoTech, automated process control.Summary
All acid towers eventually require replacement. In this article, K. Sirikan, A. Mahecha-Botero et al of NORAM Engineering and Constructors Ltd discuss two recently executed acid tower replacement projects. The first project involved the replacement of a brick-lined tower by an alloy acid tower for a sulphur burning plant in North America. The second project involved the replacement of a brick-lined acid tower with a NORAM designed brick-lined tower for a smelter off gas acid plant in South America. The impacts of various design considerations on acid tower replacement projects are compared, including in-situ replacement versus a new location; brick-lined versus alloy shell, and selection criteria for mist eliminators.Abstract
Keywords: acid tower, tower replacement, brick-lined tower, smelter offgas, alloy shell, mist eliminator, acid mist, emissions, materials of construction, acid distributer, strainer, installation, commissioning, start-up, NORAM