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Demand for oil in developed countries was already falling before the coronavirus outbreak, and consumption growth is slowing in the developing world. Peak oil demand may arrive in the next decade. Coupled with more reinjection of sour gas rather than sulphur extraction, could we be seeing falling elemental sulphur production in a decade or so?Abstract
While the spread of the Covid virus has been a major public health crisis for all countries of the world, its economic effects are likely to be felt long beyond the time when the virus is – hopefully – brought under control. The effects on refinery production have already been profound, and they are likely to be part of a larger pattern of long term change in the oil and gas industries which could significantly affect the supply of sulphur in the medium and longer term. Keywords: ELECTRIC, VEHICLE, EV, DECARBONISE, DECARBONIZE, CARBON, REFINERY, REFINERIES, SOUR, SULPHUR, DEMANDSummary
Several highly corrosion resistant materials are available today for use in handling process fluids encountered in the production of concentrated sulphuric acid. These alloys, properly selected for the operating conditions, provide the benefits of long operating life under harsh operating conditions extending the period of uninterrupted production cycles and lowering the incidence of catastrophic equipment failure. In this article, M. J. Cooke of Weir Minerals discusses materials of construction for pumps, valves and piping used in the production of sulphuric acid.Abstract
Pumps, valves, and piping used in the production of concentrated sulphuric acid are subjected to a media that is hot, corrosive, and often abrasive. In order to maintain performance throughout a reasonable service life, the designers of such equipment must select materials that are suitable for these fluid properties, especially for those critical components subject to high fluid velocities and turbulence. Keywords: corrosion resistant materials, pumps, valves, piping, sulphuric acid, alloys, equipment failure, corrosion in sulphuric acid, cast iron, stainless steel, nickel based alloys, isocorrosion chart, polarisation curves, Lewis speciality irons, Carpenter Alloy 20Cb-3, Weir Minerals, Lewis Pump, Lewmet alloySummary
New approaches and novel processing schemes employing oxygen enrichment in sulphur recovery units have been developed and commercialised. In this feature Siirtec Nigi, Linde, Blasch, Fluor and RATE report on their latest developments.Abstract
Using oxygen-enriched air in the Claus process is recognised as one of the most effective ways to improve sulphur processing capacity. The objective of the enrichment process is to reduce the amount of inert gas involved in the Claus process by adding pure oxygen to atmospheric combustion air. Keywords: sulphur recovery, oxygen enrichment, revamp, capacity increase, SplityOxy, Siirtec Nigi, Claus burner, burner design, oxygen burner, waste heat boiler, reaction furnace, thermal reactor, Barrancabermeja refinery, amine acid gas, AAG, sour water stripper, SWS, refractory, dry out, heating up, acid gas cut-in, oxygen cut-in, remote start-up, dual combustion, low level oxygen enrichment, field trials, Linde, Neste, operating experience, co-firing, low load, Porvoo refinery, Naantali refinery, VectorWall, Blasch Precision Ceramics, reaction furnace temperature, BTEX destruction, ammonia destruction, lean acid gas, waste streams, emissions control, SO2 emission, CO2 emission, RATE, waste management, tail gas treating, Oxygen Enhanced Claus Carbon Dioxide Recovery Process, OEC2RP, Fluor, gas plant, sterically hindered amines, Flexsorb, OASE Sulfexx, BASF, ExxonMobil, small footprintSummary
A. Bhargav and A. Krishnan of Helium Consulting Pvt. Ltd discuss how it is possible to reduce SOx emissions within the existing system setup of an oil refinery or gas plant through detailed analysis, expedited corrective actions and the use of automated algorithms in real-time, by using a digital IIoT solution to monitor, control and optimise.Abstract
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is strictly regulated all over the world. One of the most difficult environmental problems facing industry is how to economically control SO2 emissions. Converting SO2 to sulphuric acid is one of the best options based on economic and utility considerations. Keywords: refinery, gas plant, emissions management, digital solution, Sulphur Solution, Helium Consulting, SO2 control, SO2 emission, IIoT, refinery digitalisation, data, analytics, regulatory challenges, decision making, operation technology, information technologySummary
Although 2019 had been a volatile year for acid markets, with shutdowns disrupting supply, the coronavirus outbreak wrought even more havoc in 2020, across both supply and demand.Abstract
As with most other sectors, the coronavirus outbreak has dominated sulphuric acid markets this year. The start of 2020 saw China affected by coronavirus, but with smelters continuing to operate and looking for outlets for their acid. Keywords: INDIA, CHILE, COPPER, NICKEL, SMELTER, LEACHING, CODELCO, INDONESIA, KOREA, JAPAN, CHINA, PHOSPHATE, OCP, MOROCCO, DAP