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Its commitment to domestic supply investments, trade negotiations, and safe and sustainable production has positioned Canada at the forefront of the fertilizer industry internationally. Canada's fertilizer industry is well-positioned to compete globally, as Garth Whyte, the president and CEO of Fertilizer Canada, explains.Abstract
Competitiveness, growth and investment The future of the Canadian fertilizer industry remains strong due to our focus on improving – not just maintaining – competitiveness, growth and investment. Canada is the world’s leader in potash production. Keywords: Fertilizer; Canada; Industry; Trade association; Government; Regulations; 4Rs; Nutrient stewardship; Safety; Fertilizers; Manufacturing; Production; Consumption; Trade; Exports; Nutrien; CF Industries; Mosaic; K+S; Potash; MOP; Nitrogen; Ammonia; UreaSummary
Fertilizer International will reach its half-century in July. In this anniversary article, we highlight how the magazine and the fertilizer industry have changed, decade by decade, over the last 50 years.Abstract
Fertilizer International is 50 this year. The title began life as an eight-page magazine first published in July 1969 by The British Sulphur Corporation out of their Upper Brook Street offices in London’s Mayfair district. Auspiciously, Fertilizer International first rolled-off the press at the time of the 1969 moon landing, during the very month that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin successfully touched down in the Sea of Tranquillity in Apollo 11’s lunar module. Keywords: Fertilizer International; Anniversary; 50 years; 50th; British Sulphur; CRU; BCInsightSummary
We compare and contrast the 2018 financial performance of the major listed fertilizer producers, following the publication of fourth-quarter results.Abstract
Nutrien: very productive first year Canada’s Nutrien is the world’s largest crop nutrient company with a market capitalisation of around $32 billion (Figure 1). This fertilizer industry giant produces and distributes over 25 million tonnes of potash, nitrogen and phosphate products for agricultural, industrial and feed customers globally. Keywords: Company results; 2018; Full year; Fourth quarter; Results; Revenues; Earnings; EBITDA; Nutrien; Mosaic; CF Industries; Yara; K+S; EuroChem; PhosAgro; ICLSummary
Stamicarbon has developed a new granulation process for the production of urea ammonium sulphate (UAS). This is able to produces UAS granules containing up to 50 weight percent ammonium sulphate.Abstract
Soils needs sulphur Sulphur is recognised as the fourth major plant nutrient, after nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Yet large areas of agricultural land are no longer being replenished with sufficient sulphur. This is a direct result of flue gas desulphurisation, the use of cleaner fossil fuels, an increased reliance on chemical rather than organic fertilizers, and the shift to sulphur-free, higher-analysis phosphate fertilizers. Keywords: Urea; Technology; Stamicarbon; Maire Tecnimont; EuroChem; Novomoskovk Azot; Ammonium sulphate; AS; UAS; Process ; Melt ; Granulation; Sulphur; FertilizerSummary
The latest heat recovery systems from Outotec, Chemetics and Clark Solutions are driving energy efficiency, reliability and safety improvements at sulphuric acid plants.Abstract
Outotec’s HEROS™ heat recovery system Outotec recently introduced improvements to its safe and robust HEROS™ heat recovery system. The new concept – which is designed to enhance the acceptance and reliability of heat recovery systems in the sulphuric acid industry – has been successfully proven. Keywords: Sulphuric acid; Technology; Heat recovery; Outotec; Chemetics ; Clark Solutions; HEROS; Chemetics Energy Solutions; CES; CES-HWS; CES-DSW; SAFEHRSummary
Mosaic is making a strategic investment in a long-term project to transform its Esterhazy production site into the largest and most competitive potash mine in the world. We profile Mosaic's $2 billion plus K3 expansion project as it seeks to increase Esterhazy's production capacity from 5.3 million to greater than 7.0 million tonnes by 2024.Abstract
In 2007, the Mosaic Company embarked on an ambitious multi-billion-dollar expansion programme. The prime focus was its four mines in Saskatchewan, Canada – Belle Plaine, Colonsay, and Esterhazy K1 & K2. The overall aim was to increase production by adding about three million tonnes of finished product to the company’s total annual nameplate potash capacity. Keywords: Project ; Profile; Mosaic; Esterhazy; K1; K2; K3; Hatch; Potash; Mine; Mining; Canada; Saskatchewan; Expansion; Investment; Engineering; ConstructionSummary
Taking millions of tonnes of potash from the middle of a landlocked Canadian province, moving it 6,000 kilometres across prairies and through mountains to both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, and finally shipping it to customers all around the world by ocean is a Herculean task – and a tremendous feat of skill and effort. Yet this is exactly what Canpotex has been doing, year in, year out, for decades.Abstract
Canpotex is one of the world’s largest potash exporters. Based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, the Canadian export company is responsible for marketing and delivering potash overseas on behalf of its two shareholders – Mosaic and Nutrien – who mine this Saskatchewan product. Keywords: Company; Profile; Canada; Saskatchewan; Potash; Mosaic; Nutrien; Export; Shipping; Trade; Consortium; Marketing; Transport; Logistics; Terminal; Port; Ships; RailSummary
With a potash market share of about nine percent, K+S is the world's fifth-largest producer of potash products. The company's speciality fertilizer portfolio offers a wide spectrum of plant nutrient formulations. These chloride-free and water-soluble products provide yield-enhancing magnesium, sulphur, sodium and micronutrients – alongside or without potassium.Abstract
Germany’s K+S is the world’s fifth-largest and Western Europe’s largest producer of potash products. Uniquely, the company mines potash on two continents, having access to 1.1 billion tonnes of potash ore reserves in Germany supplemented by ore reserves totalling 0.2 billion tonnes in Canada. Keywords: Speciality; Products; K+S; Germany; Canada; Werra; Bethune; Potash; MOP; SOP; Water; Soluble; Chloride; Low; Magnesium; Sulphur; Sulphate; Potassium; KALISOP; Korn-Kali; Patentkali; ESTA Kieserit; Magnesia-Kainit; soluMOP; soluSOP 52; hortiSUL; EPSO Top; EPSO Microtop; EPSO CombitopSummary
Around 430 delegates from 37 countries gathered at the Omni Orlando Resort, Florida, 25-27 March, for CRU's Phosphates 2019 conference.Abstract
We report on the main plenary, market outlook and other selected presentations given at CRU’s 12th Phosphates International Conference and Exhibition held in Orlando in March. Keywords: Conference; Report; CRU; Orlando; Florida; US; China; Morocco; India; Saudi Arabia; Brazil; North America; Peru; OCP; Nutrien; Mosaic; Fertilizantes; Ma’aden; Ammonia; Sulphur; Phosphates; Phosphate; Rock; Phosphoric acid; Finished; Fertilizers; MicroEssentials; DAP; MAP; Prices; Costs; Market; Outlook; Production; Trade; Exports; DemandSummary
Efficient, low maintenance screening machines are essential for the effective operation of fertilizer granulation plants. Cliff Hollyfield, president of J&H Equipment, draws on his acknowledged expertise and decades of experience to explain how the granulation process can be optimised and plant output increased.Abstract
J&H Equipment: world leader in vibrating wire screens J&H Equipment, Inc. was founded in 1974 by Allen Jackson and Cliff Hollyfield, both mechanical engineering graduates of the Georgia Institute of Technology. In the decades that followed, the company has grown to become a world-leading supplier of screening equipment to fertilizer granulation plants globally. Keywords: Granulation; Equipment; Plant; Fertilizers; Phosphate; DAP; MAP; NPK; J&H; Vibrating wire; Screens; Screening; Machines; Oversize; Product; Granulator; Rotary dryer; Lump breaker; Bucket elevator; Stream splitter; Velocity brake; Crushers; Coolers; Coating drum; Recycle rate; Output; Production; Performance; Optimisation; Optimise; OperationsSummary
ArrMaz's DUSTROL product line now includes novel low-viscosity, high performance coatings. They combine the excellent handling properties of low-viscosity coatings with the superior dust generation and anti-caking performance of medium- and high-viscosity coatings, as ArrMaz's Lucas Moore explains.Abstract
The inorganic fertilizers widely-applied in modern agriculture are either mineral-based or chemically-produced. Mineral-based fertilizers are commonly derived from naturally-occurring phosphate and potash ore deposits. These mineral-based raw materials typically go through various forms of processing before being reacted or blended with chemically-derived nitrogen compounds such as urea, nitrates and ammonia. Keywords: Coating; Technology; Coatings; Performance; Handling; Properties; Protection; Products; Innovation; Viscosity; High; Medium; Low; Spreadability; Clumping; ArrMaz; DUSTROL; Dust; Moisture; Control; Caking; Anti caking; Potash; DAP; MAP; SSP; Granules