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EuroChem Group is gearing-up for the launch of its state-of-the-art Kingisepp ammonia plant on Russia's Baltic coast. David Nowak, the Group's deputy head of communications, profiles what will be Europe's single largest ammonia plant as it approaches completion.Abstract
Keywords: Project profile, Ammonia, Plant production, Capacity, EuroChem, Russia, Baltic, Sillamäe, Estonia, Kingisepp, EuroChem Northwest, Maire Tecnimont, KBR, Gazprom, PhosphoritSummary
A new report from trade body Fertilizers Europe explains how industry can supply enough crop nutrients to feed a growing population, while also becoming ever more energy- and environmentally-efficient. Fertilizer producers can also help address other challenges, such as the growing demand for cleaner energy and better resource use, as Jacob Hansen, the director general of Fertilizers Europe, explains.Abstract
We live in fascinating times, with technology evolving at an ever-increasing pace, spurring major shifts in many sectors. This is certainly true of the fertilizer industry. As we look ahead, the future of agriculture in Europe faces two major challenges: how to shift to sustainable food production; and help deliver EU commitments on decarbonisation and a more circular economy. Keywords: EU fertilizer industry, EU, Europe, Fertilizers Europe, Feeding Life 2030, Report, Strategy, Climate, Energy, Decarbonisation, Agriculture, Sustainability, Policy, Ammonia, Hydrogen, Production, Storage, Circular economySummary
Nitrogen prices outperformed expectations in 2018, following a year of widespread disruption and uncertainty, reports Laura Cross, CRU's head of nitrogen analysis.Abstract
Urea prices, against expectations, were buoyant in 2018. Supply management policies in China and the re-imposition of US sanctions on Iran helped offset the adverse impact of new urea capacity additions. Collectively, such factors contributed to a $31/t average increase in urea prices in 2018 compared to the previous year. Keywords: Nitrogen market report, Nitrogen, Market, Outlook, Production, Demand, Supply, Capacity, Prices, Pricing, Subsidies, Ammonia, Urea, Plants, Closures, projects, China, United States, US, Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Ukraine, Yara, Ma’aden, EuroChem, Kingisepp, Garabogaz, Chambal, Gadepan III, SOCAR, Sumgait, Lordegan, OPZ, PetrobrasSummary
Florida's phosphate industry is supported by a cluster of world-class companies. Our US correspondent, Mark Evans, profiles the sunshine state's innovative and outward-looking phosphate sector and reveals its recipe for global success.Abstract
Florida’s pre-eminence as a phosphate-producing region dates back to the industry’s earliest days. Phosphate rock deposits near Hawthorne in Alachua County were the first to be mined in 1883. The discovery of exceptionally large phosphate reserves in Florida during the late 19th century came at a time when agriculture was also of increasing importance to the state’s burgeoning economy. Keywords: Florida industry profile, Florida, Phosphates, Industry, Sector, Companies, ArrMaz, Kimre, KEMworks, Mosaic, Hatch, PegasusTSI, JDCPhosphate, Ardaman, FIPR, Florida Polytechnic UniversitySummary
Fertilizer International presents a round-up of phosphate rock, phosphoric acid and finished phosphates projects.Abstract
Finished phosphates, phosphoric acid and integrated phosphate rock projects Keywords: Project listing, Projects, Phosphate, Finished phosphates, Phosphoric acid, Phosphate rock, EcoPhos heads east, Project profile, EcoPhos, Guizhou Chanhen, Belgium, China, Nanning, Guangxi, Chaneco, Production, Plant, Phosphate, Rock, Phosphates, Feed, Food, Reserves, Resources, Depletion, Purified phosphoric acid, PPA, Monocalcium Phosphate, MCP, Gypsum, Plaster, NPKsSummary
EcoPhos and its Chinese joint venture partner Guizhou Chanhen are collaborating on the Chaneco phosphate project in Guangxi province. The aim is build an innovative, high-tech and eco-friendly phosphate production plant, explains Mohamed Takhim, the founder and CEO of Ecophos.Abstract
Belgium’s EcoPhos S.A. has launched a joint venture (JV) to construct and operate a new phosphates plant in China. The new plant – the first of its kind in China – is being built near Nanning, Guangxi province, and will use innovative and eco-friendly proprietary technology developed by EcoPhos. Keywords: Project profile, EcoPhos, Guizhou Chanhen, Belgium, China, Nanning, Guangxi Chaneco, Production, Plant, Phosphate, Rock, Phosphates, Feed, Food, Reserves, Resources, Depletion, Purified phosphoric acid, PPA, Monocalcium Phosphate, MCP, Gypsum, Plaster, NPKsSummary
North Africa is to the world's phosphate industry what the Middle East is to oil & gas. The region has developed its large share of world phosphate rock reserves to emerge as a globally important production and export hub. We report on the state of the phosphate sector in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.Abstract
The Maghreb countries north of the Sahara, and their close neighbour Egypt, have emerged as a major regional phosphate-producing hub. Their influence on the global phosphate market is increasing, thanks to the vast scale of their phosphate reserves, massive investment in new production capacity, and their relative proximity to strongly-growing markets in Africa and Latin America, and the mature but sizeable European market. Keywords: Regional report, Phosphates, Phosphate, Fertilizers, Rock, Resources, Reserves, Industry, Production, Projects, Processing, Exports, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jorf Lasfar, Djebel-Onk, Tébessa, Gafsa , M’dhilla, Abu Tartour, Ain Sokhna, Diammonium phosphate , DAP , Monoammonium phosphate , MAP, Triple superphosphate, Phosphoric acid, TSP, NPK, NPS, OCP, Ferphos, Somiphos, Indorama, Asmidal , Manal, Sonatrach, Citic, Radyolla, CPG, GCT, TIFERT, Misr Phosphate, El Nasr, NCIC, Intecsa, WAPHCO, Prayon, Desmet Ballestra, K-technologiesSummary
Prices look set to increase in the global potash market, with availability scarce and as expected new capacity fails to materialise, reports Andy Hemphill, potash and sulphuric acid markets editor at ICIS Fertilizers.Abstract
However you look at it, 2019 will be a tough year for potash buyers. Between increasing demand, production discipline, outages, and the delayed ramp-up of new capacity, supplies of this vital fertilizer will remain limited for much of the year. Market players Keywords: Potash market report, Potash, Producers, Supply, Exports, Imports, Demand, Prices, Pricing, Muriate of potash, MOP, Sulphate of potash, SOP, Uralkali, BPC, K+S, Nutrien, SQM, BHP, Jansen, EuroChem, Crystal Peak, Danakali, Sirius Minerals, Emmerson, Brazil, Russia, Canada, Europe, EU, United States, US, China, India, Southeast Asia, Chile, Germany, Palm oil, SoybeanSummary
Demand from horticulture has seen the use of water-soluble phosphates rise globally to almost one million tonnes annually. We assess the market and its growth prospects, identify leading producers and highlight recent product innovations.Abstract
Water-soluble fertilizers (WSFs) are a niche group of speciality products that nevertheless occupy a strongly growing segment of the global fertilizer market. Worth more than $12 billion currently, the world market for WSFs is expanding at around eight percent annually. Keywords: Market report, Supply, Production, Consumption, Demand, Growth, Imports, Drip irrigation, Micro-irrigation, Fertigation, Producers, Horticulture, Hydroponics, Water-soluble, Phosphate, Phosphates, Fertilizers, WSFs, Products, Monoammonium phosphate, MAP, Monopotassium phosphate, MKP, Phosphoric acid, Diammonium phosphate, DAP, Urea phosphate, UP, Polyphosphates, ICL , Haifa, Uralchem, GMZ, EuroChem, Innophos, Kingenta, Prayon, Yara, SQM , Vitas, Manaseer, Hortipray, Anticalc, Pbooster, micronutriFe, Nova PeaK, PeKacid, Krista, Ultrasol, Magnum