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Microbial-based fertilizers can be applied as inoculants to seeds, seedlings or soil to aid crop growth by improving nutrient access and uptake. They include nitrogen-fixing bacteria and microorganisms able to dissolve and mobilise soil phosphorus and potassium.Abstract
Biofertilizers are naturally-occurring soil microorganisms able to boost crop productivity by increasing access to nutrients and improving immunity to disease and stress. Keywords: Biofertilizers report, Biofertilizers, Microorganisms, Bacteria, Fungi, Arbuscular Mycorrhiza, AMF, Rhizobia, Azotobacter, PGPR, Fruit, Vegetables, Legumes, Soybean, Potato, Rice, Sugarcane, Maize, Wheat, Inoculants, Nitrogen-fixing, Fixation, Solubilising, Mobilising, Phosphate, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Potassium, BASF, Loveland, Novozymes, Brett-Young, EVL, Symborg, Biomax, TFAC, Mamezo, Biomix, Biozink, Biodine, Resid, MycoUp, VitaSoil, Bioboots, Cell-Tech, Nitragin Gold, TagTeam, Accomplish, NodulatorSummary
Growing demand from Ukraine's large agricultural sector saw imports of NPK products rise by more than fifty percent during 2017 to hit a record high. This fertilizer import boom is being fuelled by a market preference for lower cost NPKs, rising application rates and changes to the country's crop mix. Limited domestic availability and anti-dumping measures have also fuelled Ukraine's NPK boom.Abstract
Ukraine occupies a strategic location at the crossroads between Europe and Asia. But being positioned between two rival power blocs – Russia to the east and the EU to the west – has presented Ukraine with difficult choices in recent years. Keywords: Ukraine report, NPK, NPKs, NP, NPs, Compound, Blends, Fertilizers, Market, Imports, Exports, Trade, Sanctions, Tariffs, Wheat, Corn, Sunflower, Soybean, Rape, Sugar beet, Acron, PhosAgro, Uralchem, Rossoh, EuroChem, Gomel, Belaruskali, Sumykhimprom, DZMUSummary
We provide an update on the latest developments in high-efficiency scrubbing systems for urea plants from Kimre/UFT/tkIS, Stamicarbon/ECI and Toyo.Abstract
Toyo scrubbing technologies Japan’s Toyo Engineering Corporation is one of the world’s leading urea technology licensors. Although typical emissions guidelines for urea plant finishing section are 50 mg/Nm3 for urea dust and 50 mg/Nm3 for ammonia, environmental guidelines and regulations are becoming ever more stringent. In response to this, Toyo has developed a range of systems for the effective abatement of urea dust and gaseous ammonia emissions, based on water and/or acid scrubbing. These technologies have been installed at numerous urea plants globally (Table 1). Keywords: Urea plant scrubbing systems, Urea, Granulation, Prilling, Emissions, Plume, Regulation, Ammonia, Particulates, Scrubbing, Scrubber, Jet scrubber, Technology, Water, Acid, Toyo, Stamicarbon, EnviroCare International, ECI, Kimre, Thyssenkrupp, Uhde Fertilizer Technology, UFT, tKIS, AEROSEP, MicroMist Venturi, MMV, Wet electrostatic precipitator, WESP, CF Industries, Donaldsonville, Kaltim, Indorama, Nigeria, Indonesia, United States, USSummary
More than 350 million tonnes of potatoes are harvested each year for food processing or direct consumption. Potatoes have a particularly high potash requirement and are also a notably chloride-sensitive crop. We look at the nutrient needs of this globally-important dietary staple.Abstract
Production and consumption The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is one of the world’s most widely-cultivated dietary staples. Potato plants are herbaceous annuals which grow up to one metre (40 inches) in height and produce harvestable tubers – thickened stems – enriched in starch. Keywords: Agronomy, Potato, Potatoes, Production, Exports, Market, Yield, Size, Quality, Dry matter Bruising, Discoloration, Deficiency, Deficiencies, Chloride, Chloride-sensitivity, Nutrients, Nutrient, Uptake, Removal, Application rates, Fertilizers, Fertilizer recommendations, Potassium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Calcium, Sulphur, Magnesium, Boron, Micronutrients, Products, Sulphate of potash, Muriate of potash, SOP, MOP, Potash, Potassium nitrate, NOP, Controlled-release fertilizers, CRFs, Polyhalite, ICL, Haifa, Compass Minerals, Tessenderlo, Yara, SQM, Nutrien, KEMAPCO, K+S, Qrop, Ultrasol, Speedfol, ESTA Kieserit, Patenkali, EPSO Microtop, Polysulphate, Protassium+, SoluPotasse, K-Leaf, Multi-K, Multicote Agri, ESN, YaraMila MAINCROP, Foliar, Fertigation, IrrigationSummary
Sirius Minerals has carried out global trials on potato with its polyhalite product POLY4. These have been run in partnership with leading agricultural universities, research institutions and commercial partners. Robert Meakin, research & development director at Sirius Minerals, explains how POLY4 can outperform traditional forms of potash in both blend and straight trials.Abstract
Sirius Minerals plans to invest up to $3.0 billion in the construction of the Woodsmith Mine, a large-scale, deep-shaft polyhalite mine in England’s North Yorkshire region. The mine will eventually produce 10 million tonnes annually of the company’s POLY4 polyhalite product. The first production tonnages are due in 2021, under the current project timetable (Fertilizer International 481, p56). Keywords: Sirius Minerals, Polyhalite, Agronomy, POLY4, Potato, Fertilization, Plan, Programme, Fertilizers, Nutrients, Potash, Yield, Marketable yield, Quality, Dry matter, Brazil, United States, Scotland, India, Sulphate of potash, Muriate of potash, SOP, MOP, Potash, Kieserite, Gypsum, NPK, NPKsSummary
Leading European phosphate fertilizer producers are profiled, including EuroChem, Fertiberia, Grupa Azoty, Prayon and Yara.Abstract
Yara’s production might Yara International is Europe’s leading phosphate rock and NPK producer. The company’s Siilinjärvi mine in Finland – Western Europe’s only phosphate mine – produces around one million tonnes of phosphate rock concentrate and 300,000 tonnes of phosphoric acid annually. Keywords: Phosphate industry report, EU, Europe, Production, Capacity, Products, Premium, Cadmium, Imports, Plant, Plants, EuroChem, Lifosa, Fertiberia, Grupa Azoty, Prayon, Yara, Lithuania, Poland, Belgium Spain, Norway, Finland, Italy, France, Portugal, Senegal, Morroco, Siilinjärvi, Uusikaupunki, Porsgrunn, Glomfjord, Montoir, Ravenna, Huelva, Engis, Puurs, Kedainiai, Phosphates, Phosphate, Phosphate rock, NPK, NPKs, Feed phosphates, Water-soluble, Monoammonium phosphate, Diammonium phosphate, MAP, DAP, Hortipray, POLIFOSKA, POLIDAPSummary
The potash industry has undergone technological transformation throughout its long 150-year history. That is true of extraction methods as well as mineral processing/beneficiation techniques. Engineering firms will continue to play an important role in developing state-of-the-art production technology, as Dr Henry Rauche, managing director of ERCOSPLAN, explains.Abstract
Economics: the driving force Production economics have always been the key driving force behind innovation and change in the potash industry: higher recovery rates and better utilisation of deposits – resource efficiency and sustainable resource use in today’s terminology – have been the main imperatives. Keywords: Potash technology, Technology, Innovation, Ercosplan, Resources, Resource efficiency, Sustainability, Energy, Energy use, Energy efficiency, Water, Water use, Potash, Germany, Engineering, Mining, Backfilling, Extraction, Environment, Waste, Waste recovery, Processing, Leaching, Beneficiation, Froth flotation, Pneumatic flotation, 3D Modelling, ESTA, Automation, Capex, Opex