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We look ahead at fertilizer industry prospects for the next 12 months, including supply and demand growth, and explore the key agricultural, macroeconomic and geopolitical drivers likely to shape the market during 2018.Abstract
World fertilizer demand was rather subdued in 2017, while fertilizer production reached record levels. The industry faced both stiff competition and relatively weak market conditions during the first half of the year. Market demand did, however, eventually rebound in 2017’s second half. Imports to the major fertilizer-consuming countries rose and prices firmed on the back of improving affordability and pent-up demand. Keywords: 2017, Market outlook, Demand, Drivers, Trade, Supply, Sales, El Niño, Biofuels, Farm economics, Rabobank, FAO, World Bank, International Fertilizer Association, IFA, Cereals, Oilseeds, Coffee, Cocoa, Wheat, Maize, Sugar, Palm, Oil, Soy, Rapeseed, Sunflower, Crops, Crop prices, Fertilizer prices, Affordability, Ammonia, Urea, Potash, Phosphate, DAP, MAP, India, China, Indonesia, Ukraine, Pakistan, Canada, EU, Brazil, RussiaSummary
For Stamicarbon, license company of Maire Tecnimont Group, innovation is an essential lifeline for growth. The company reinvests 5-7 percent of its turnover annually in product development and innovation, substantially higher than the fertilizer industry average. Harold van der Zande, Stamicarbon's senior business development manager, explains the company's commitment to innovation, and highlights some notable recent innovation successes.Abstract
Technology is in our DNA Italian engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor and technology provider Maire Tecnimont Group is deeply committed to innovation and technological development. Its purchase of Stamicarbon, the market leader in urea licensing technology, enhanced the Group’s capabilities, by bringing together new competencies in innovation, intellectual property and licensing. Maire Tecnimont’s current industrial strategy, with its strong focus on technology and high-level know-how, is specifically designed to meet future market challenges in the hydrocarbon processing value chain. Keywords: Process technology, Maire Tecnimont, Stamicarbon, Pursell Agri-Tech, PAT, Envirocare, International, Urea, Licensing, Technology, Open, Innovation, Patent, Patents, IP, Intellectual property, Safurex, Advance coat, Micromist Venturi Scrubber, MMV, Ammonia, Emissions, Nitric acid, Dual pressure, Nitrates, Energy, Recovery, Efficiency, Controlled-release, CRU, CRF, CRF, Polymer, CoatingSummary
2017 was an unsettling 12 month period for the nitrogen market. The year was marred by continued oversupply and lacklustre demand. Market volatility, linked to the timing of international buying, also fuelled uncertainties over price direction, as Laura Cross of Integer Research explains.Abstract
The nitrogen market entered a turbulent period of uncertain prices in 2017. The year will certainly be remembered for its volatility. Decreased demand from India was also one of 2017’s key signifiers. The country’s disappointing urea imports were a reversal of fortune for the market and proved a bitter pill to swallow. Unsurprisingly, given the scale of its consumption, India’s import downturn negatively affected sentiment and helped create an overall impression of a weaker-than-expected market. Significant stock carryover from 2016, and a new buying strategy by the Indian government’s fertilizer department, were the main factors behind this. Keywords: Nitrogen market review, Integer Research, Market, Outlook, Demand, Supply, Oversupply, Exports, Imports, Costs, Margins, Operating rate, Policy, Policies, Pollution, Environment, Environmental, Energy prices, Natural gas, Coal,Anthracite, Ammonia, Urea, Methanol, PetroChina, Sinopec, China, India, Ukraine, Europe, RussiaSummary
More than 100 million tonnes of hard fruits are produced worldwide each year from orchards spread across nearly seven million hectares of land. Hard fruit cultivation is also on the rise globally, with world apple and pear production increasing by 15 percent over the last decade. Fertigation is a common growing-practice in orchards, and adopting the right fertilizer strategy can boost both hard fruit yield and produce quality.Abstract
Apples and pears are classed as pome (Rosaceae family, Maloideae sub-family), a group of fruit-bearing deciduous trees that originated in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. These two widely cultivated hard fruits, and other pomes such as nashi and quince, grow from spring blossom and are harvested from late summer through to late autumn. They require a period of low winter temperature to enable bud break and sprouting to occur in the spring. Keywords: Crop nutrition, Tree, Trees, Hard, Fruit, Pome, Apples, Pears, Quince, Production, Cultivation, Growing area, Imports, Exports, Trade, China, Europe, Italy, Chile, South Africa, New Zealand, Argentina, Iran, Nutrients, Nutrient, Deficiency, Uptake, Demand, Removal, Application, Applications, Rate, Rates, Yield, Recommendations, Programme, Program, Fertigation, Foliar, Fertilizer, Fertilizers, Potash, Potassium, Nitrogen, Calcium, Magnesium, Micronutrients, Boron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Phosphate, Phosphorus, Calcium, Spectrum Analytic, Tessenderlo, Haifa, Yara, SQMSummary
Global feed phosphates production capacity has increased substantially in the past decade, reports Janos Gal, senior analyst at Feedinfo, especially in China. Incumbent producers and new entrants are attempting to capitalise on the growing and potentially lucrative market for feed phosphate products in regions such as Europe, Asia and Latin America.Abstract
It is estimated that about five percent of global phosphoric acid production is used to manufacture inorganic feed phosphates. Major integrated producers are widely distributed across the globe. The United States, North Africa, Europe and China are all major centres of feed phosphates production. Keywords: Feed phosphates, Market, Outlook, Prices, Production, Supply, Demand, Animal feed, Phosphoric acid, Hydrochloric acid, monocalcium phosphate, MCP, dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate, TCP, Dical+ Phytase, DDGS, Vale, Mosaic, Quimpac, Monómeros Colombo Venezolanos, MCV, Biominerale, Evergrow, Wengfu, Yunnan Yuntianhua, GNFC, United States, US, China, Europe, OCP, Phosphea, Timab, Ecophos, Aliphos, Phosagro, PotashCorp, Potash Corp, EuroChem, YaraSummary
The potash market performed robustly in 2017. Strong demand growth in China, Brazil, Southeast Asia and India could see global potash deliveries reach a new high point of 62-65 million tonnes. Potash prices also strengthened in most regions during 2017, on the back of improved demand.Abstract
As 2017 drew to a close, potash prices continued to firm in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Brazil, reflecting the high levels of demand and positive agricultural fundamentals in the main potash export markets and consuming regions. Keywords: Potash prospects, Mosaic, PotashCorp, Uralkali, CRU, Canpotex, K+S, Turkmenhimiya, EuroChem, Acron, Belaruskali, Slavkali, SQM, ICL, Potash, Corn, Soybean, Palm oil, El Niño, Market, Demand, Price, Supply, Outlook, Inventories, Stocks, Production, Closures, VolgaKaliy, Usolskiy, Bethune, Garlyk, Talitsky, Petrikov, Lyuban, Boulby, India, China, Brazil, Southeast Asia, North America, Indonesia, Malaysia, Canada, Russia