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Canola, also known as oilseed rape and rapeseed, is one of world's three main oilseed crops. World production, in the region of 68 million tonnes annually, is concentrated in EU countries, Canada, China, and India and satisfies around one-fifth of global vegetable oil demand. We report on the vital role fertilizers play in successful canola cultivation.Abstract
The name rapeseed or oilseed rape is applied to commercial oil seed plant species belonging to the genus Brassica (Fertilizer International 472, p40). They include the oilseeds of turnip rape (Brassica campestris), swede rape (Brassica napus) and mustard (Brassica juncea). Rapeseed is one of the three main oilseed crops grown globally, the other two being soybean and sunflower. Keywords: Canola, Rapeseed, Oilseed rape, Production, Trade, Rapeseed oil, Rapeseed meal, Biodiesel, Cooking oil, Animal feed, EU, Canada, China, India, Japan, Fertilizers, Nutrients, Nutrient removal, Nutrient, Yield, Crop nutrition, Fertilization, Application rates, Fertilizer recommendations, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Potassium, Phosphorus, Micronutrients, Boron, Fertilizer recommendations, Foliar, Yara, YaraBela, YaraVita, K+S, Korn-Kali, ESTA Kieserit, EPSO Top, EPSO Microtop, CF, DoubleTop, Nitram, Urea, Ammonium nitrate, Urea ammonium nitrate, UANSummary
The Middle East edged ahead of North America as the world's leading sulphur-producing region last year. Meena Chauhan, head of sulphur and sulphuric acid at Integer Research, explores the rise of sulphur production in the countries of the Gulf and the impact on the market of this eastwards shift in supply.Abstract
The global sulphur market has grown in step with energy production over the years. Since 2011, world sulphur production, from a combination of oil and gas recovery, the Frasch process and other methods, has increased significantly to reach a total of 63 million tonnes in 2016. Keywords: Middle East, Gulf, Persian Gulf, Arabian Gulf, Sulphur, Production, Supply, Imports, Exports, Demand, Sour gas, Heavy crude, United Arab Emirates, UAE, Abu Dhabi, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Integer Research, ADNOC, Abu Dhabi Gas Development Company, Habshan, Shah, Saudi Aramco, Wasit, Barzan, RasGas, South Pars, Kuwait National Petroleum Company, KPNC, Al Zour, Kashagan, OCP, Morocco, Canada, United States, Kazakhstan, ChinaSummary
We look at the current state of the phosphates market ahead of CRU's Phosphates 2017 conference in Tampa this March. Some price benchmarks fell by a third during 2016 in response to oversupply, falling Indian import demand and declining input costs. Looking ahead, China looks set to continue in its role as a swing exporter, and the country's production costs should underpin phosphate prices in the face of increasing supply from Morocco and Saudi Arabia.Abstract
2016 was a tough year for phosphates producers and their margins. Finished phosphate prices dropped across all key hubs over the course of the year. The North African f.o.b. benchmark for diammonium phosphate (DAP), for example, fell from $445/t to $328/t between January and December last year – a decline of more than 25 percent. Keywords: Phosphates market report, Market, Outlook, Phosphates, Supply, Demand, Diammonium phosphate, DAP, Monoammonium phosphate, MAP, Integer Research, CRU, Mosaic, Agrium, PotashCorp, PhosAgro, EuroChem, OCP, Ma’aden, Cost curve, China, India, Russia, North America, Middle East, North Africa, Saudi Arabia, MoroccoSummary
Increasingly sophisticated control of phosphates production is now possible thanks to the availability of real-time, on-line process analysers. We assess the range of technologies currently on the market and provide some examples of recent installations.Abstract
Traditional laboratory methods for analysing the grade (P2O5 content) of phosphate rock and ore concentrates are time-consuming and labour intensive. The length of time taken between sample collection and the delivery of results also limits their usefulness in process control at phosphate mines and beneficiation plants. Infrequent and intermittent sampling also means that the results of laboratory tests are not always representative. Keywords: Phosphate process analysers, Phosphates, Phosphate rock, Grade, Bone phosphate of lime, BPL, Feed, Feedstock, Beneficiation, Froth flotation, Mining, Reactor, Automated analysis, On-line analysis, Process analysers, Process monitoring, Process control, Simplot, Ma’aden, Mosaic, PotashCorp, OCP, Uralkali, Lexmar Global, Sabia, Outotec, Laser Distance Spectrometry, Scantech, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, NMR, Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, LIBS, Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis, PGNAASummary
Physical properties, including size, do matter when it comes to the finishing stage of fertilizer production. We explore the link between fertilizer product quality and finishing technology. Anti-caking agents are widely-used to maintain product quality, and the range of products on the market is also reviewed.Abstract
The caking of fertilizers, if not prevented, can be a major headache during storage, transport and field application. It can destroy the value of fertilizers, halt loading and unloading, damage handling equipment and be a safety hazard. Caking often occurs when fertilizers contain moisture or are exposed to humidity. This allows water soluble salts to crystallise and form solid bridges between particles. Fertilizer stored under pressure can also deform plastically and fuse, especially when stockpiled in bulk in open bins. Keywords: Prills versus granules, Urea, NPKs, Prills, Granules, Pastilles, Prilling, Granulation, Pastillation, Finishing, Finishing process, Finishing technology, Quality, Hygroscopic, Strength, Particle size, Humidity, Moisture absorption, Critical humidity, Caking, Anti-caking, Anti-caking agents, Yara, Novochem, Clariant, Chemipol, ArrMaz, Neelam, Fertibon, Kao Global, Chemicals, Sandvik, RotoformSummary
Véronique Bourgier, PhD, Karen Schooley and Rob Lawson, of Veolia Water Technologies HPD® Evaporation and Crystallization, explain the main applications of evaporators and crystallisers in the fertilizer industry – particularly in potash. These include manufacturing fertilizers from raw materials, and the recovery of fertilizers as valuable by-products from waste streams or other processes.Abstract
Evaporation and crystallisation techniques have many applications in the fertiliser industry. Valuably, they allow fertilizers to be produced from primary raw materials or from the secondary by-products of another process, or, due to economic pressures, from waste streams. Keywords: Fertilizers, Production, Manufacturing, Processing, Solution mining, Potash, Brine, Sulphate of potash, SOP, Muriate of potash, MOP, Potassium chloride, Evaporation, Evaporators, Crystallisation, Crystallisers, Crystallization, Crystallizers, Veolia, Veolia Water Technologies