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With the sulphur market in surplus, suppliers particularly those in the Middle East - must use carefully conceived and aggressive marketing strategies to playa more active role in promoting the increased consumption of sulphur, for example, in phosphate fertilizer production and in direct application uses. In the context of this changing market situation, Siraj Rahimtula and KVChelam of Transfert Middle East* look at sulphur production in the region and at demand in India.Abstract
With the sulphur market in surplus, suppliers particularly those in the Middle East - must use carefully conceived and aggressive marketing strategies to playa more active role in promoting the increased consumption of sulphur, for example, in phosphate fertilizer production and in direct application uses. In the context of this changing market situation, Siraj Rahimtula and KVChelam of Transfert Middle East* look at sulphur production in the region and at demand in India.
The supply and demand equation for merchant liquid sulphur dioxide appears comfortable in the near-term, although the industry has experienced its share of controversy in recent months, reports Martin Horseman.Abstract
Sulphur dioxide rightly obtains the attention of the sulphur industry in a way that befits its significance as the sulphur compound produced in . greater quantities than any other. But its pivotal role in the chemistry of sulphur, as the important link between the element and a vast array of downstream derivatives, contrasts with its transitory character in these processes. Occupying an intermediate stage in the manufacture of sulphuric acid and follow- on products - or being a byproduct of other processes - tends to confine S02 to something of a temporary existence.
Admittedly, the public "profile" exhibited by sulphur dioxide is not always so anonymous! As a waste effluent, the environmental impact of the gas in the emissions from power plants and other installations burning sulphurous fuels has become all too evident.
Brian R Kolodji highlights fundamental design elements for (Claus process) sulphur plants, based on common practice safety considerations.Abstract
In the sulphur plant, the primary hazard is inherent to the fluid processed. The fluids processed contain highly toxic gas mixtures of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and sulphur dioxide (S02)' and can also include ammonia (NH3). Large releases are notoriously lethal, and have caused acute toxic poisoning to plant personnel, and sometimes even to the surrounding community. Worse yet, the mixtures are flammable, and at high enough concentrations and rates to have caused significant fire and blast damage. Some properties which help characterize the hazards are shown in Table 11 (see box for explanatory notes).Summary
New methods for the extraction of vanadium pentoxide from spent sulphuric acid catalyst have been investigated in Poland.Abstract
New methods for the extraction of vanadium pentoxide from spent sulphuric acid catalyst have been investigated in Poland.
Clinsulf(TM) SDP is a new member to the family of sub-dewpoint processes write F. Kunkel* and M. Heisel**. Use of an isothermal reactor and a new approach to the modified Claus process combining the catalytic part and tail gas treatment lead to a very compact design of high performance.Abstract
Sulphur recovery plants throughout the world face tightening environmental regulations. The well known modified Claus process is under continuous optimization. Direct oxidation processes following substoichiometric Claus conditions are a cost-efficient way to improve sulphur recovery to 98% and above!. The 99% bench mark is reached by sub-dewpoint (SDP) processes which extend the Claus reaction at low temperatures in a number of additional catalytic beds. Substantially higher recoveries have been the domain of hydrogen sulphide (or sulphur dioxide) recycle processes.
A new comprehensive approach integrates the catalytic part of the Claus reaction and sub-dewpoint tail gas treatment to give a high performance two-stage process.
The experiment which led to the first industrial sulphuric acid manufacturing process was conducted in 1746. This series of articles outlines the development of sulphuric acid technology over the intervening quarter of a millennium.Abstract
As "oil of vitriol", sulphuric acid has been known for more than a thousand years. What is thought to be the earliest reference to it dates back to 8th Century Arabia, though a 10th Century Persian alchemist, Abu-Bekr Ahhases (d. 940 AD), is credited with its discovery as a substance in its own right. 1 Though it is evident that sulphuric acid exercised the minds of philosopher-alchemists over the succeeding centuries, it was not until chemistry became recognized as a separate science that sulphuric acid became any more than a curiosity and its usefulness began to be realized. The inset panel lists some of the known events and personalities in the early chronology of sulphuric acid.