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Procor Sulphur Services has metamorphosed into the newly-named Enersul Group. The inspiration for the change and the goals of the new company are described here.Abstract
On 14 April, Procor Sulphur Services unveiled a new name and a new corporate structure that will take the Canadian sulphur processing and handling company into the next century. With effect 'from 1 May, the Calgary-based company has traded as The Enersul Group. Over its 46-year history, Procor Sulphur Services Inc. has enjoyed a global reputation as a leader in the sulphur handling and processing industry. Under its' new identity and structure, The Enersul Group plans to expand on this successful base, which it will use as a launch pad to explore new technologies and markets.
Just over five years ago, the Saskferco nitrogen complex in Belle Plaine, Saskatchewan came on stream. At the time, this was one of the largest single-train urea granulation plants in the world, and it has proved remarkably successful in operation, consistently working at maximum capacity. The facility has recently been expanded, as described in this review of Saskferco's operations.Abstract
Travellers heading through the prairie landscape of Saskatchewan have long measured the distances they travel from sightings of the "Prairie Cathedrals". This are the colourful grain silos that are clustered at various railheads in the province. Many of these silos are operated by Cargill Inc. The company has a long history of involvement in procuring and distributing wheat from the Canadian breadbasket for distribution throughout the world. Now there is a new landmark: the Saskferco Products, Inc. ammonialurea complex in Belle Plaine, and this is another venture in which Cargill is involved.
In February, the Canadian sulphur industry's logistics management company, Sultran Ltd., marked its 2 Ist anniversary of providing a modern, integrated and reliable transportation and terminal system for sulphur supplied from western Canada. While having ample cause to celebrate, the company has not stood still, having undertaken a continuing programme of investment, which has been reflected in product diversification and an enhanced quality of service. The latest developments include a new shiploader which is entering service at Sultran's Pacific Coast Terminals operation in Vancouver, and a new electronic network of software systems and supporting hardware.Abstract
T he latter is a particularly important development in a company as service-oriented as Sultran. Indeed, Sultran's customers now attach almost as much importance to the computer- based network which is used to manage the entire logistics process as the physical movement of the goods. While Sultran's customers require the sulphur to move efficiently and speedily, they also need prompt and accurate information on inventories, location and progress of trains through the system, ships' positions and a wealth of other data.
Anniversaries are always occasions for celebrations. However, when you are responsible for shipping over 5 million tla of potash, there can be little time to linger over the champagne. Nevertheless, Canpotex Limited - the Canadian potash export consortium - marked its 25th birthday in fine style, by opening a new bulk terminal and by reporting record offshore shipments. Steven Dechka, President, explained the Canpotex formula for its success.Abstract
Canpotex celebrated its 25th anniversary in September, an event which it marked with the opening of its new bulk terminal facility at Portland, Oregon. This new facility will complement the existing facilities in Vancouver, and ensure uninterrupted service to customers worldwide. Throughout its history, Canpotex has demonstrated its commitment to its member producers and its customers by ensuring the efficient and low-cost movement of Canadian potash to offshore markets. Logistics and service are the key to Canpotex's success in the market, and Canpotex is continuallyworking on ways to improve these areas on behalf of its member producers. In addition to recent investments in both the Portland and Vancouver terminals, Canpotex is curreritly developing a new railcar fleet which will, when in service, improve the efficiency ofits inland transportation system by an estimated 40%.
The evolution of Canada as an economic power is inextricably linked with the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR). The company has a proud heritage, but it is above all dedicated to providing a standard of service to its customers that transcends the obstacles of terrain, climate and distance. In this profile, Mike Dugas, General Manager of CPR's Commercial Team, tells FI the importance of the fertilizer business to the company's revenues, and describes CPR's current investment programme, which will enable it to offer an even more enhanced service.Abstract
The story of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) is the story of the building of a country, and the company has played a keynote part in drawing the far-flung Canadian provinces together to make the country a world economic power today. The railway was born in 1881, and it forged a path through the formidable terrain of the Rockies to become Canada's first transcontinental railway in 1885. CPR is wholly owned by Canadian Pacific Limited, which also has holdings in energy, shipping and hotels. Today, CPR and its affiliated subsidiaries account for one of North America's largest railway networks, operating 25,000 km (15,500 miles) of track in Canada and the United States, and employing 21,000 staff. In 1997, CPR enjoyed revenues ofC$3.72 billion (compared with C$3.56 billion in 1996), while rail operations alone generated a net income of C$466.5 million.
The Port ofVancouver is Canada's largest and most diverse port, directly employing over 10,700 people, and handling over C$30 billion worth of products each year. Fertilizers made a major contribution to the record tonnages which Vancouver achieved in 1997, as examined in this review of the port and its terminal operators.Abstract
The Port of Vancouver in British Columbia is Canada's largest deepsea port and one of the top four foreign tonnage ports in NorthAmerica. It plays a vital role in the Canadian sulphur and potash sectors, as it offers comprehensivestorage and handling facilities, which reflect the port's extensive experience in bulk product terminal operations. The logistics ofgening bulkconsignments of sulphur and potash to their destination economically and reliably have been a major challenge to the Canadian suppliers, which the Port ofVancouver has readily embraced, investing in major installations which are geared to discharging unit trains, storing and loading the product, while setting the highest standards ofenvironmental control. Climate and geography are the two factors which could militate against the ability of the Canadian sulphur and potash sectors to compete globally. It is very much a measure of the Port of Vancouver's achievement that Canada is supreme as an international supplier of both key materials.
Canadian engineering companies have made an important contribution in advancing fertilizer industry technology, as well as posting notable breakthroughs in the associated fields of sulphur and sulphuric acid. The leading suppliers of process engineering and consulting services are profiled here.Abstract
Cecebe Technologies Inc. was founded ten years ago, and is involved in the supply of sulphuric acid distributor technology and equipment. The company has played a major role in pioneering developments in sulphuric acid production technology. Although the contact process for manufacturing sulphuric acid is well established and has changed little since the double absorption process was introduced some 35 years ago, within this relatively unchanging framework, many significant developments have taken place. These include superior materials ofconstruction to reduce corrosion and prolong equipment life, improved catalysts to lower pressure drop and increase conversion, enhanced energy efficiency and improved equipment design.
A cost-effective alternative to building a grass-roots urea plant is to revamp an existing facility. Stamicarbon by, the Dutch licensing subsidiary of the DSM group, has developed its Urea 2000plus™ technology for new, grass roots plants, as well as revamping urea plants of any design. Not only can the production capacity be raised substantially, by over 200%, but the existing capacity is modernised to reduce the consumption of energy, cooling water and raw materials.Abstract
AconventiOnal urea plant typically consists of a high-pressure synthesis reactor, which is operated at around 200 kg/cm2, followed by two or three stages of recirculation at lower pressure. In Stamicarbon's conventional technology, the reactor is operated at 200 kg/cm2• The NH3/C02 ratio in the reactor is about 4. These process parameters lead to NHr and CO2- conversions of around 35% and 65% respectively.
The first stage ofrecirculation is operated at about 20 kg/cm2, and the unconverted carbamate is separated from the urea solution and condensed before recycling to the urea reactor. An ammoniacarbamate separation tower is typical to most conventional urea processes (also called washing column), which separates the excess ammonia from the carbamate solution. Downstream ofthe washing column, ammonia condensers condense the ammonia vapours, and the ammonia is subsequently recycled back to the urea reactor. The second stage ofrecirculation is operated at 4 kg/cm2, where further separation of carbamate and urea solution and evaporation ofwater takes place. The urea solution is concentrated to 70% in this section.